News & Views Thursday, May 02, 2024

“I would love to play the piano again!” Friday, April 06, 2012

Attention Adults:  If you’ve ever wanted to learn to play the piano on your own…you should look at Alfred’s Self-Teaching Adult Piano Course.  Over the years, we have heard customers say that they would love to learn to play the piano, or that they wish to pick up the piano again but think it’s too late.  It’s never too late to start a new hobby or return to one of your favorite interests that will give you years of enjoyment and a new challenge in life!

Alfred’s Self-Teaching Adult Piano Course is a take-off from their Alfred’s Basic Adult Piano Course with the addition of study-guide pages.  These study-guide pages help the student to learn as if a piano teacher is sitting right beside them.  Also, the course includes a CD which helps you to hear how the music sounds.  Besides learning a new hobby, playing the piano can help to improve your memory, promote finger dexterity, relieve stress and make you the life of any party!

For more information on these or other piano materials, contact us!

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