News & Views Thursday, January 23, 2025

America Sings 20th Anniversary Tuesday, September 23, 2008

John Jacobson’s famous America Sings Festival will be celebrating it’s 20th anniversary in April of 2009.  John’s effort to bring together thousands of young choral musicians was just an idea 20 years ago, but now after all of the years, he can enjoy his success.  John says “twenty years ago, when we first decided to spend our time facilitating America Sings!, we simply wanted to have a non-competitive choral festival that would celebrate people’s love for music and music education.  However, we quickly became aware of the fact that artists are the biggest givers on the planet!  They always seem to have a desire to do more, to change the world, to make things better”.  John mentions that people are labeling today’s young people as being a part of the unflattering “Me Generation”.  But this has not been my America Sings! experience.  Instead I have see tens of thousands of young singers come together to make music and, once there, give selflessly of themselves to make someone else’s life a little bit better.  And many are doing the same in their hometowns!

Choir Festival Regitration includes participation in the Massed-Choir Finale Celebraton and in community service projects held on the Washington Mall.  Registered choirs with a minimum of 10 participants are eligible to perform an individual 20-minute choral performance on a stage at the festival as space is available.  The 2009 event will happen April 17 -18.  See complete registration details at

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