News & Views Sunday, February 23, 2025

Why Stanton's Attends the NYSSMA convention Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Stanton’s staff has had a little time to recover from it’s long road trip from the NYSSMA convention and having to deal with the snow storm that hit us on the way back on I-90 between Erie, Pa and Cleveland.  By all accounts our efforts to meet as many of the music educators in New York were well received and it was nice to develop new relations with new customers and continue our relationships with our familiar friends.  Stanton’s tries to accomidate as many musicians and educators as possible by bringing as much music to the convention, as the booth can hold, for them to preview, examine and look at, right there at the convention.  Versus teachers having to make purchases without previewing the music at all, and only using the publisher recordings to base their decisions on. Â A big focus of the Stanton’s booth are the students themselves.  Stanton’s realizes that young high school and college music students, do not see sheet music on a regular basis, like a band or choral educator might.  So by setting up the booth in such a way that the young musicians might actually look, feel and touch solo’s, ensembles and other music products, they may start to understand how to go about picking a new piece for themselves or future music students. Â How many cities have a music store that has a decent sheet music department, not many.  At the convention we can show them that there are all types of musical selections, besides their own major instrument.  If a college student who is about to graduate only sees solo’s that he plays on his recitals, then when he becomes a music teacher, does he understand that his music store can help him, once he starts teaching in the trenches. Â 

Our booth was crowded almost the whole time that the exhibit hall was open and with only a few exceptions did we ever have to time to take a breather for ourselves.  But, who wants to take time away from the booth, when you are having so much fun, talking to people.  The staff had a lot of great things to talk about at dinner, and were very excited about the efforts that we did for Stanton’s and it’s future business in New York.  We wish to thank our friends in New York and hope that they will look to us for their sheet music needs in the future.  Stanton’s will probably post one more NYSSMA article on the blog in a few days, maybe discussing some of the activities that we observed and a story or two from the employees themselves.

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