News & Views Thursday, March 06, 2025

New Real Book CD's Just Released Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Real Book, Play-Along

Ok…how many times have you heard someone say, ”this is the best thing since sliced bread”.  Well,  THIS IS THE BEST THING SLICED BREAD!  The Hal Leonard Company has really done it this time!  They just released play-along recordings for the famous Real Book, Vol. 1.  They’ve broken up the recordings alphabetically into 4 separate volumes which each contain 3 CDs.  Each volume, containing 40 tunes, costs $24.95.  That’s right!!!  40 kickin’ play-along tracks for $24.95!!!  These are not sterile sounding tracks but energetic recordings including intros and codas you would hear on gigs.  There are a number of recordings included that have never been on jazz play along before.  These four volumes are well worth the investment for pros and students alike.  Also, the word on the street is that volume 2 is in the works.

Volume 1 A – D     $24.95

Volume 2 E – K     $24.95

Volume 3 L – R     $24.95

Volume 4 S – Z     $24.95

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