News & Views Monday, March 10, 2025

You work hard for the money… Tuesday, November 10, 2009

MI-064-0266The majority of Stanton’s customers are school music teachers. We have great respect for them. Actually, several of Stanton’s employees are former school music teachers, so they know what it’s all about–school music teachers have got to be some of the hardest working employees of any school system!  They often have multiple schools they have to drive to, with classes spanning elementary through high school, with different lesson plans for each level. Their middle school and high school classes are often two to three times bigger (or more) than most academic classes (and therefore, that many more parents to be in contact with).  They frequently have rehearsals scheduled before and after the regular school day and have performances on the weekends.  So sometimes they get stressed!
There is a story that back in the 1980s, during the air traffic controller’s strike, airports were hiring people to take over for the striking workers.  A former high school band director applied for the job, got trained and was directing jets as his local airport.  Someone asked him if it wasn’t the most stressful activity he had ever encountered.  He just laughed!  “You want stress.  Be a high school band director!”  Well, within the last couple of years, we have discovered something even more stressful than being a music teacher in America, and that’s being a music teachers overseas!  We got an e-mail from a customer in Japan that ended rather abruptly.  They wrote, “I’ll e-mail the rest later–in the middle of a typhoon!”  But the worst one had to be the e-mail from a teacher in Beirut, who wrote, “Gotta go–my school is being surrounded by tanks!”

So when you’re feeling stressed about your job as a school music teacher, just think–somebody might have it worse!  And remember, Stanton’s is here to help you find the very best sheet music for your performing groups. Our educational departments read through virtually every new piece and pick the “cream-of the-crop” to stock and recommend to our customers in our mailed promotions, reading sessions and blogs.  At Stanton’s, our philosophy has always been that by helping you, the music teacher, to be successful, we will be successful.  That’s how it has been since 1960 and will continue to be.  And it works!  We appreciate your trust in our choices for you and welcome your orders and inquiries.  So contact Stanton’s with all your sheet music needs.  On the web, email, by phone at 1-800-42-MUSIC or via FAX at 614-224-5929.  Thanks for your patronage!

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