News & Views Thursday, March 06, 2025

Why should I attend a Stanton's Reading Session? Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Summer is here (finally!)… You've wrapped up your end-of-the-year concerts and lessons and you’re enjoying some well-earned time off. Here at Stanton's, we're gearing up for our summer workshop series! Yes, it can be hard to think about starting up a new school year, and we hear lots of excuses…ahem, I mean reasons…as to why people want to skip out on attending a summer workshop this year:

“It's summertime! I don't want to think about work.”
We hear ya. Summer sunshine…sandy beaches…grilling out on the patio…spending time with family and friends… These are all worthwhile summertime pursuits. But think about it - spending just one day at a Stanton's workshop this summer can give you repertoire and teaching ideas for your entire school year! By devoting a few hours to work with us in the summer, you could free up evenings and weekends during the year so that you can: A) spend more time with your family and friends, B) work on that novel or symphony you've been meaning to write, or C) regain your sanity from spending all day with those rowdy kids!

“I can find everything I need to know on the internet/in a catalog.”
The internet is a wonderful tool in finding new music for your ensembles and classrooms - it helped you find this blog, right? Stanton's Listening Library contains thousands of recordings to help you find the perfect piece of repertoire, many items on our newly redesigned main website have sample pages you can view, and our Digital Delivery website allows you to find and print music immediately. But…none of those benefits outweighs the value of holding a new piece of music in your hands and experiencing it for the first time as your students do. At Stanton's summer clinics and reading sessions, you can identify music your students will love to sing and find resources and repertoire to teach important musical concepts. NOTHING compares to looking at the entire piece and singing it with a group - THAT'S how you know if it will work for you! No 30-second sample recording or three-sentence catalog write-up can do that.

“I have such a small budget. Why learn about new music that I can't afford?”
You're not alone. Music budgets are shrinking across the country, and our clinicians know that you need to make every penny count. We've got ideas for affordable costuming and set design for your elementary musicals. We've got budget-stretching, reproducible choral collections with lots of repertoire options. And best of all, we've got many other teachers at our clinics so you can meet and share ideas that really, truly work in the classroom with each other! You could meet someone with great ideas for nurturing a successful booster group, or someone with tips for garnering community support and sponsorship, or someone with suggestions for marketing your program to your school board. Colleagues and peers in the education field are one of your greatest resources - join us and take advantage of that!

We also know that many schools won't reimburse teachers for your registration fees, and it's always painful to shell out your hard-earned money. To help with this issue, Stanton's is offering a $25 gift certificate to new attendees who qualify; contact us for more details. And talk to your tax guy - workshop fees for teacher enrichment and continuing education may be tax deductible.

“I live in Pennsylvania/Kentucky/Illinois/Anytown, U.S.A. It's too far for me to drive to Columbus.”
We often have a pair of wonderful music teachers from CANADA who come to our clinics here in Ohio! Make it really worth your while by attending multiple workshops during “School Choral Week 2011.” Bring the family! Workshops each day are completed by 4 p.m., so you have the evening to explore all that Central Ohio has to offer. The Stanton's staff can recommend our favorite local restaurants, movie theaters, and cultural hot-spots for you to visit - the cooler summer evenings are perfect for a trip to the Ohio State Fair (open July 27-August 7, 2011); maybe your spouse can take the kids to COSI or the Columbus Zoo while you're enjoying your workshop during the day; the Columbus Metroparks are great for hiking or sunset picnics; or check out the CAPA Summer Movie Series at the historic Ohio Theatre.

I’ve been teaching for 10/20/30 years. I know what I'm doing and I don't need help.”
It's true - experience can breed wisdom. But we find that the wisest teachers know that in order to keep students engaged they need to refresh, renew and revamp their teaching every single year! Keep your teaching style fresh and innovative by getting new ideas from our nationally-known, experienced, expert clinicians. Yes, there are probably great resources already in your library that work as well today as they did 30 years ago - but we'd venture a guess that there are just as many things that now seem dated and over-used. Mixing in new titles with the old standards keeps your lessons and concerts interesting for your students and - just as importantly - for YOU!

“I'm a first-year teacher. I have no idea WHAT I need yet!”
Stanton's workshops are perfect for you! The first thing a beginning teacher needs is a strong support system around them - start building that support system by joining the dedicated community of teachers who know the benefits of attending our workshops. You may not have heard your choirs or met your classes yet, but by arming yourself with information and repertoire ideas you're ready to face whatever challenges await you. PLANNING is your best defense against the dreaded feeling of being overwhelmed by all the “newness” of starting your teaching career. Also, by developing a relationship with Stanton's, you'll have US on your side! We're staffed with veteran teachers and college-trained musicians, so we've got your back!

So stop making excuses! Check out our previous posts on School Choral Week 2011, Stanton’s Elementary General Music Clinic, the Joy of Singing, the John Jacobson Workshop, and Stanton's Super Session, and register today for Stanton's summer workshops! We also have sessions available for instrumental teachers, church musicians, pianists and college and community choir directors; contact us for more info.

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