News & Views Thursday, March 13, 2025

Orchestra New Music Preview – Kendor Monday, July 09, 2012

Sneak peeks of various publishers’ new string orchestra music for next fall are starting to show up in everyone’s mailbox – including Stanton’s!

We have been listening and looking at the new material, and as always, there are standouts, which Stanton’s will be stocking, advertising and including on New String Orchestra Music Reading Sessions.  Here are three levels of “Top Choice Original Pieces” from Kendor:

WIND RIVER REFLECTIONS by Jared Spears (Grade 3)
Musical images of the Wind River wilderness in northwestern Wyoming bubble through this picturesque offering that contains touches of both Copland and Ravel as it tumbles through chromatic melodies that are beautiful in their own right and then are presented backwards with equal charm.  After rolling through a fugue of the themes it climaxes in a rhythmic waterfall that satisfies the musical senses.  Mature but not difficult.

ADVENTURE ON THE HIGH SEAS by Lorie Gruneisen (Grade 2+)
Life on a large, rough and tumble sailing vessel is depicted in this entertaining and educationally solid piece from a new name in the string orchestra composing world (although Ms. Gruneisen has been a music educator for over 30 years).  A jaunty, sea faring 6/8 is juxtaposed with 3/4 and 2/4 while melodic material is generously shared by all.  Teachable accents, strategic rests and the key of D minor are also featured.

BUG’S BALLROOM by Frank J. Halferty (Grade 1)
Have your young players experience the time-honored Dance Suite with Grasshopper’s Gavotte (with optional slides in the first violin from B to D on the A string, setting the stage for the shift to third position later on), Waterskipper Waltz (with sustained cello melody over pizzicato) and Cockroach’s Cakewalk (with a one/two and/rest/rest rhythmic motif).  There are teaching opportunities galore and primo programmability.

Contact us for more great recommendations, and check our previous posts on new orchestra music from Carl Fischer and FJH.

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