News & Views Thursday, March 13, 2025

Who You Gonna Call? Thursday, August 09, 2012

We’re always talking about our knowledgeable staff—you’ll find that very phrase on much of our printed advertising, as well as on our website. Stanton’s sales staff is separated into departments to ensure that each staff member is well informed about a specific area of the wide variety of music that we carry. So when you call and ask about music for trumpet, you’ll be speaking with someone who has first-hand knowledge of repertoire, not just a phone operator with no musical experience. Here’s what you’ll find in each department:

Choral Music for School & Church
Elementary General Music
Classical Solo Vocal

phone musicBAND DEPARTMENT (ex. 2)
Concert Band
Marching Band
Jazz Ensemble
Solos for all concert instruments
Instrumental Method Books
Music Software/Technology

Sacred & Secular Piano
Piano Method Books
Popular/Broadway Solo Vocal
Contemporary Christian Vocal
Guitar Solos and Methods
Music for Folk Instruments

You can direct emails to the exact department you need by clicking the links above, or press the appropriate extension when you call 1-800-42-MUSIC. If you’re unsure of which department to choose, we’re always happy to direct you to whoever can best address your needs. At Stanton’s, it is important to us that you receive the most educated answers to your questions and the finest music recommendations.

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