News & Views Friday, March 14, 2025

New Church Anthems for Fall Wednesday, September 12, 2012

As church choirs start up for the fall and Christmas season, Stanton’s Sacred Choral Music staff has carefully chosen these pieces to be appropriate for a variety of worship styles and services throughout the coming months:

All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name arr. Hal Hopson
A noble new setting of the lesser used tune for this regal hymn text. Useful as a choral offering or as an enhanced congregation song, this effective setting will encourage the faithful and offer the choir a chance to lead in worship. With the addition of the easily fielded handbell part, this is an almost instant anthem for use on Christ the King Sunday or any time. Handbell part for 2 octaves included.

Come Christians, Join to Sing arr. Molly Ijames
“Come, Christians, Join to Sing,” new from Molly Ijames, is a majestic anthem with optional brass and percussion that sets a thrilling stage for the opening of any service or concert. The tune begins with the traditional melody in unison, settles with beautiful fulfilling, independent lines during the second stanza, and builds for a heightened climax, entering congregation and a soaring soprano obbligato. From the introduction to the finale, this selection will thrill your listeners and singers.

A Living Sacrifice by Mary McDonald
“A Living Sacrifice” is a powerful musical prayer adapted from Romans 12 that focuses on forgiveness, love, and taking the message of Christ to the world. This wonderful piece is a perfect choice for sermons with a missions or Christian living emphasis.

Rejoice, Sing and Praise by G.F. Handel/ed. John Leavitt
The regal and jubilant strains of Handel’s Coronation Anthem No. 2, first movement, have been adapted with a more general sacred text, making this work an excellent choice for sacred concerts or worship.

What a Friend by Mary McDonald
One of the greatest hymns of all time providing comfort and encouragement to multitudes of people is Joseph Scriven’s text, “What a Friend We Have in Jesus.” Mary McDonald has taken this classic hymn and crafted an original melody along with words from John 15:13, “greater love has no other than Jesus, who has laid down his life for his friends.” Hints of the original tune by Charles Converse are woven in to memorable effect in this stunning new ballad setting.

Tune My Heart to Sing God’s Praise arr. Lloyd Larson
Feel the comfort of the familiar words of “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing” in this new setting based on HOLY MANNA. A delightful SATB choir and keyboard addition to the Thanksgiving repertoire.

Surely the Lord Is In This Place arr. Herbert Colvin
Whether used as a call to worship, or as a general anthem, this setting of a text from the book of Genesis contains a strong affirmation of God’s abiding presence. Through a flowing accompaniment and solid part writing, Herbert Colvin has created an expressive gem that can be used in a variety of ways to enhance your congregation’s worship.

There’s Something About That Name arr. Lloyd Larson
This time-honored chorus from Bill and Gloria Gaither is set here in a reverent, meditative ballad by Lloyd Larson. The middle section includes an original melody paired with John Newton’s great hymn text “How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds.” The flowing accompaniment and easy-to-learn vocal lines make this an ideal choice for any worship occasion.

For more quality suggestions for your church choir, click here to view our complete Sacred Choral promotion for Fall 2012, or contact us at 1.800.426.8742.

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