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Our Hope Is In Emmanuel Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Prepare for Christmas with your church choir with some of these outstanding anthems and cantatas!

Communion Carol by Lee Dengler
What a beautiful anthem to share with your congregation during communion before or after Christmas! The poignant text by Adam L. Tice has been set lovingly and expressively by Lee Dengler. The flowing accompaniment and gentle four-part writing are a lovely invitation to “taste the new birth.”

Our Hope Is In Emmanuel by Victor C. Johnson
Victor Johnson brings us an original Advent carol that is full of reflective and melodic phrases that capture the hope, joy, and peace promised by the Savior’s coming. Hints of VENI EMMANUEL and an optional flute obbligato add a little something extra to this skillfully crafted and reverently expectant seasonal selection.

Surely the Time Is Near by Lloyd Larson
A thoughtful setting for SATB choir and keyboard speaking to the anticipation of the Promised One. This Advent anthem is well within the reach of the average church choir.

Angels Singing, Bells Are Ringing arr. Douglas Wagner
Pure Christmas joy abounds in this pleasant folk carol arranged for success. A happy accompaniment punctuated by bells helps spread a seasonal spirit throughout the piece while the inventive vocal writing gives your singers a reason to smile. Join the angels singing with this very special and unique carol arrangement. Handbell/Handchime part included (2 octaves).

Rise Up and See the King arr. Mary McDonald
What a brilliant marriage of two seemingly contrasting tunes in this setting by Mary McDonald! The spiritual, “Rise Up, Shepherds, and Follow” has been combined with Andre Crouch’s “Soon and Very Soon” in such a seamless way that it almost seems these melodies have always resided together. The addition of an optional tenor solo and hand clapping will only further serve to enhance the impact of this anthem.

The World’s Been A-Waitin’ So Long by Larry Shackley
“There will be joy when the Messiah comes. The world’s been a-waitin’ so long.” Larry Shackley has created this joyous, energy-driven Advent anthem for a cappella choirs. It may also be performed with the optional percussion parts, which further enhance the effectiveness of this original spiritual.

Children of Light, Rejoice by Ken Medema
From the creative mind of Ken Medema comes this joyful nativity anthem. Whether your choir performs it with or without the optional part for children’s choir, this anthem is certain to be an exciting addition to your Christmas worship events. Beginning with an upbeat opening section, and moving into a gently flowing melody that focuses on the manger, the piece ends with great joy as voices are lifted up “in songs of gladness.”

O Holy Child of Bethlehem arr. Lloyd Larson
In this beautiful ballad, Lloyd Larson combines the prayerful words from verse four of “O Little Town of Bethlehem” along with “Silent Night” and the contemporary song “Emmanuel, God with Us” to create a worshipful Christmas medley. The instrumental accompaniment enhances its rich nature, with a clarinet solo at the start based on “Of the Father’s Love Begotten.”

A Night for Rejoicing by Lee Dengler
“Christmas night, what a glorious night for rejoicing!” This new cantata tell the age-old story of Jesus’ coming to earth, which culminates in that glorious “night for rejoicing.” This 35-minute work is scored for choir, congregation and optional children’s choir with keyboard accompaniment. There is also an optional chamber orchestra accompaniment available. The 8 choral movements, along with prelude and underscore, are replete with familiar carols as well as newly composed music. They are separated by narration that can be presented by one or two readers. This stirring work, which includes delightfully upbeat tunes as well as slow, deeply worshipful pieces, is sure to be an effective part of your choir’s music ministry.

A Blest Messiah Born by Larry Shackley
The Christmas season opens a portal in time through which words and melodies from many centuries flow into our busy modern lives. In “A Blest Messiah Born,” Larry Shackley skillfully blends some of the most beloved ancient carols into a fresh, captivating retelling of the story of Jesus’ birth. It begins with God’s eternal plan of redemption, then starts the Christmas story with the Annunciation. Along the way, Larry presents delightful new settings of favorite carols such as “The Friendly Beasts;” “What Child is This?;” “Ding Dong! Merrily on High;” and “Good Christian Friends, Rejoice.” “A Blest Messiah Born” contains rich moments of reflection as well as high-spirited rejoicing. It is enhanced by hints of Renaissance rhythms and melodies, and the lyrics of the carols flow together with the poetic narration to portray the events of the nativity story. The entire work lends itself to simple staging, adding characters in each number to build a living manger scene.

For more quality suggestions for your church choir, click here to view our complete Sacred Choral promotion for Fall 2012, or contact us at 1.800.426.8742.

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