News & Views Thursday, January 02, 2025

Erik Satie Monday, October 01, 2012

The best known compositions by Erik Satie are the Gymnopedies 1-3.  The Gnossiennes are perhaps the second best known of his compositions.  However, he was a prolific composer, and there are  more compositions by him.  Others include a ballet called ”Parade”,  “Sports et Divertissents”, “Ogives”, both for piano solo, The Dreamy Fish, and more.  Stanton’s offers a book of sheet music by Satie that includes some piano music that does not seem to be very well known,  ”Erik Satie, 24 Pieces forPiano“, Volume 2.  It is well worth a look.  You may find some new pieces for your next recital.  So investigate and enjoy!  For more piano music, or to ask questions about Satie’s music, please call 1-800-42-MUSIC, or email us at

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