News & Views Thursday, March 13, 2025

I’m Thankful for Elementary Musicals! Friday, October 12, 2012

It seems like so much needs to happen in your school building in December – where can you fit your holiday program?! To avoid scheduling drama, some music teachers are moving their musical up to November and celebrating Thanksgiving! There are not very many ready-made musicals for “Turkey Day;” here are Stanton’s ideas for you:

This flexible resource contains 12 different scripts for a variety of programs throughout the year.  Each reproducible script offers many speaking parts and suggestions for songs you can include from among music you probably already have in your library. There is a “Thanksgiving Day” script, which would be a 20-30 minute program, but you could also supplement with ideas from the “Fantastic Fall Festival” and “I Am America” scripts to create a longer production – do whatever works best for your situation!

Holiday Plays
(“No Turkey for Perky” and “Bob Humbug, the Christmas Grump”)

This book and CD set by Carol Kaplan contains two musicals appropriate for ages 4-7. “No Turkey for Perky” is the story of a girl who doesn’t like to eat turkey, and would rather eat pizza for Thanksgiving dinner! Simple staging and costuming suggestions help you to lead children from their natural “playing” into the elements of acting/singing in a musical. The play is the perfect introduction to a school, church or community Thanksgiving meal.

For more Thanksgiving suggestions, contact our classroom music specialists!

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