News & Views Friday, March 14, 2025

A Fiddling Christmas, by Craig Duncan Monday, November 05, 2012

What’s more fun than playing Christmas carols on the violin?  Playing more Christmas carols on the violin, of course!  “A Fiddling Christmas“,collected by Craig Duncan, from Mel Bay Publications, has 73 Christmas songs.  These songs come from all over.  “Angels We Have Heard on High” was a French carol first published in 1842.  “Away in a Manger” has two tunes: the Kirkpatrick tune was first published in Cincinatti, Ohio.  “The Cherry Tree Carol” has been sung in England since at least the 17th century.  “Christmas Eve” is a fiddle tune from the Appalachians, heard beginning in the 1920′s.  “Oh Christmas Tree” came from Germany.    “Infant Holy, Infant Lowly” hails from Poland.  A lively fiddle tune called “Frost and Snow” comes from Ireland.  The tunes are not long, only 2-4 lines each.  There is a piano accompaniment book included with the fiddle book.  A second violin part is provided for each tune, so violin duets are a possibilty with this collection.  If there is no pianist available, chords are provided above the staff.  A guitarist can strum along, or a mandolin player.  Some songs have few enough chords that an autoharp player can play along.  This book is great for get-togethers, Christmas party background music, or  just plain fun.  To inquire about this book of sheet music for fiddle, or other fiddle music, cotact us at 1-800-42-MUSIC or  email us at

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