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Scales for Young Violinists and Violists Tuesday, January 06, 2015

scales for young violinists scales for young violistsScales for Young Violinists and Scales for Young Violists

Recommended by Dan Clark, School Orchestra Specialist

Few pedagogical concepts are as important as scales, and Barbara Barber has fashioned some new books of scales designed especially for the younger violin and viola player.


In these volumes you will find:

• Scales only spanning two octaves; each book utilizes the circle of fifths

• All major and relative minor keys up to six sharps and five flats (violin begins the Key of G, viola in C)

•Various bowings, rhythmic variations and recommended fingerings

• Preparatory shift studies for all the keys

•Arpeggios – tonic major & minor, sub-mediant, sub-dominant major & minor
as well as diminished 7th, dominant 7th, broken thirds and chromatic scale in that key

•Exercises for 1st position and 1st-3rd position double stops

• Work with octaves, thirds, sixths and harmonics.

This book is wonderful preparation for the best-selling, three octave Scales for Advanced Violinists (8010X – $12.99) and Scales for Advanced Violists (8023 – $12.99), both by Barbara Barber.

Dan Clark has worked at Stanton’s since 1979, primarily with orchestra music and print promotions.  A “working” musician, he’s a classical cellist, a rock & jazz bassist and a folk & country guitarist/singer. His free time is spent with family or reading, gardening, cycling and working puzzles. He also has a reputation as a pretty good joke teller. Seriously.

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