News & Views Saturday, February 22, 2025

Wohlfahrt Studies Thursday, March 12, 2015

wohlfahrt studiesAttention Violin Teachers!  What might make violin students work a little harder on their etudes?  How about providing a violin duet part for the teacher (or another student) to play along with the pupil?  Since duets can be really fun to play, it will make preparing exercises more palatable, plus it will help improve your students’ intonation as they strive to play in tune with the duet part.  This is standard violin pedagogical repertoire – Wohlfahrt’s 60 Studies, Op. 45 Book 1, Studies 1-30, so you certainly can’t argue with the methodology.  The interesting violin duet accompaniments by Rachel Kelly (with 4 by Joshua Parman) are at about the same level of difficulty as the etudes themselves.  A solo etude part and a double violin score for the duet accompaniment are included in the collection.  Something old is new again!

Studies, Op 45 Book 1 – Wohlfahrt/Kelley – 50499882 – $9.99

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