The Deluxe Tinwhistle Songbook Friday, April 27, 2018
recommended by Barb M., Keyboard and Folk Music Specialist
Compiled by Patrick Conway, The Deluxe Tinwhistle Songbook contains 71 Irish songs and ballads. Standard notation and tab are included for each tune, with ornaments explained and instructions given on how to play them. Merry, fast tunes such as “The Merry Plowboy” are included, as well as pretty ballads such as “Baidin Fheidhilmid” and “The Sally Gardens.” There are also hornpipes, jigs and reels. Chord names are included, so you may persuade a guitar, mandolin or uke playing friend to join you. This collection will keep you happily occupied for some time!
For more information about this or other tin whistle collections, call us at 1-800-42-MUSIC, email, or visit us online at Shop Stanton’s for all your sheet music needs!
About the Author:
Barb M. has worked in the Keyboard Department at Stanton’s since 1981. An active folk musician in the Columbus area, Barb also works with ensembles at her church and plays in the Columbus State Concert Band. In her spare time, Barb loves working with animals and computer games.