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Just Add Music!: Orchestra Teaching Pieces for Young Players Monday, January 20, 2020

just add music scott watsonrecommended by Dan C. and Megan W., Orchestra Specialists

Just Add Music by Scott Watson, Grade 1
This work contains notes and rhythms in the printed music – but no tempo indication or expressive markings (such as dynamics or articulations). Those missing items are the “music” that you, the teacher, along with the ensemble will select and pencil into the music to make this piece uniquely reflect your ensemble! All the notes and rhythms you need for a great concert selection are included in this recipe for hands-on learning and creativity.
TEACH • adding tempo, dynamics and articulations markings
ORCHESTRATION • all parts equally simple, but need “music!”
PERFORMANCE • every group will make it refreshingly different

sunchasers tanner ottoSunchasers by Tanner Otto, Grade 1
This animated piece with simple, catchy melodies introduces the tonality of A major without any extended finger patterns. The piece is perfect for working on staccato bowing and cut time. The lighthearted A theme makes way for the energetic and driving B and C sections. Written in rondo form, it follows a group of friends on their summer adventure. Try having students write their own narration to fit the music!
TEACH • cut-time, A major, hemiolas, pentatonics, viola 4th finger
ORCHESTRATION • everyone has fun playing all the time
PERFORMANCE • sounding slightly Asian, it’s catchy & animated

subterranean kathryn griesingerSubterranean by Kathryn Griesinger, Grade 1.5
Go underground to explore the deep, dark sounds of the orchestra’s lowest strings. A ponderous, minor theme weaves through every section of the orchestra along with a few easy off-beat rhythms. The absence of low 2 finger patterns make this helpful for teaching and reinforcing note reading on the G, C, and E (bass) strings, while also being extremely satisfying musically.
TEACH • note reading on lowest strings, warm, broad bow strokes
ORCHESTRATION • equal time for everyone on their low string
PERFORMANCE • mysterious e minor could work for Halloween

bronze age jeremy woolstenhulmeThe Bronze Age by Jeremy Woolstenhulme, Grade 1.5
“The Bronze Age” is an energetic work featuring accents and meter changes from ¾ to 4/4. It’s in E minor and all music is in 1st position. A Learning Bank is included jam packed with information about this prolific time during prehistoric times when the discovery of bronze contributed to the making of strong weapons, tools, utensils, and more.
TEACH • using easy half/quarter/eighth rhythms in changing meters
ORCHESTRATION • all are playing (and counting!) all the time
PERFORMANCE • study cross-curriculum with ancient history/art

Visit us online to browse more options for your young orchestra, or contact us for more information. Shop Stanton’s for all your sheet music needs!

About the Authors:
Dan C. has worked at Stanton’s since 1979, primarily with orchestra music and print promotions. A “working” musician, he’s a classical cellist, a rock & jazz bassist and a folk & country guitarist/singer. His free time is spent with family or reading, gardening, cycling and working puzzles. His series of musical puzzles (RP3 Rebus Puzzle Picture People) can be found on the Stanton’s Facebook page each Sunday. He also has a reputation as a pretty good joke teller, and is recently retired – congrats, Dan!

Megan W., originally from Pittsburgh PA, is happy to call Columbus and Stanton’s Sheet Music “Home.” As a musician, Megan has played in marching and concert bands, youth orchestras, full orchestras, small ensembles, and a few choirs. Her interests include fiddling, reading, writing, martial arts and yoga.

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