News & Views Sunday, February 23, 2025

Hymns Everyone Loves Friday, January 31, 2020

hymns everyone lovesrecommended by Caryn G. and Judy S., Sacred Piano Music Specialists

Hymns Everyone Loves for Moderately Advanced Piano
All six volumes of Lorenz’s best-selling “Hymns We Love” series are now available in one magnificent spiral-bound volume. Your favorite Lorenz arrangers have also added six more titles, making seventy-eight in all – enough to provide you with church and concert pieces for years to come!

Titles include: “All Creatures of Our God and King,” “Be Thou My Vision,” “Come, Christians, Join to Sing,” “Crown Him with Many Crowns,” “Day By Day,” “Every Time I Feel the Spirit,” “Fairest Lord Jesus,” “He Leadeth Me,” “I Surrender All,” “Marching to Zion,” “Sing We Now of Christmas,” “Sweet By and By,” and many more!

For more recommendations, call us at 1-800-42-MUSIC to speak with our Sheet Music Specialists. Shop Stanton’s for all your sheet music needs!

About the Authors:
Caryn G. has over 21 years of experience working at Stanton’s in both the Piano and Choral departments. During her career, she has been a church pianist/accompanist and a piano teacher. Her experience makes her a valuable connection for anybody who calls the piano department.

Judy S. has 30 years of private piano teaching experience and 40 years as a church pianist. Her experience makes her a valuable connection for anybody who calls the piano department.

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