News & Views Monday, January 27, 2025

Virtual Summer Programs for Musicians Thursday, June 04, 2020

Dublin_Community_BandsMaking music hasn’t stopped – it’s just gone virtual! This list of Columbus youth ensembles, masterclasses, and professional development opportunities are available online this summer. With many music organizations making their music virtually, we hope each of you find yourself meeting and playing with new musicians from all over.

Dublin Youth Brass Band
There’s no charge for Dublin Youth Brass Bands online recordings of guest clinicians and tutors. Participate in their culminating virtual ensemble. Register for the June 16th start date by June 14.

98417382_101088408288454_5887402162740264960_nAll-Star Brass Band
The All Stars are preparing to start playing again as soon as possible. Until then, follow their new Facebook page to see what these students have done and are doing during quarantine!

Opera Project Columbus
Virtual Intensive Vocal Academy (VIVA): Attend virtual classes with the opera professionals from around the world. Registration is open for individual classes or the whole week. This round features classes titled, “The Music of Language,” VIVA-logo-final“Performance Skills for Opera Singers,” “Italian Text and Recitative,” “Face Forward,” and “Auditioning in Europe.” June 22-June 26

Chamber Music Connection
iSTEM Connect: Interactive online Chamber music
The letters in iSTEM represent the several pillars of chamber music: Improvisation, Solfège, Theory, Entrepreneurship, & Movement. iSTEM Connect curriculum is currently operating online using both Zoom, Acapella and BandLab offering improv workshops, solfège and theory courses, rehearsal techniques, score study, Eurhythmics, Alexander Technique, Body Mapping, Entrepreneurship and two different offerings of Yoga. These courses each fulfill CMC’s foundation for chamber music, Breathe Together, Move Together, Play Together. For more information, contact Alix Raspé Gray,, 614-323-1330

CaptureOhio State University School of Music
Virtual Flute Workshop: Three-day workshop focused on enhancing students’ musical and performance skills.
Virtual Classical Saxophone Clinic: One-day program for high school saxophonists exploring the classical genre of musicianship.
OSU Sting Teachers Workshop: Designed for the string specialist; orchestra director; secondary band, choir and general music teachers to work at their own pace and participate in a live Q&A session with clinicians.

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