News & Views Sunday, March 30, 2025

VIRTUAL Reading Sessions with Stanton’s Sheet Music Monday, June 22, 2020

Stanton’s Sheet Music is pleased to present our VIRTUAL choral reading sessions for 2020! From the comfort of your own home, and with the ability to watch, rewatch, and choose the specific choral or resource you want to peruse, we invite you to browse and sing along to our brand new collection for the 2020-2021 school and church year. As these free online sessions become available throughout the summer, Stanton’s will be ready to help you and to fulfill your orders for both physical and digital copies.

joyofsingingThe Joy of Singing
Available beginning July 5, 2020
The 34th annual Joy of Singing is going online for Summer 2020! Join Stanton’s Sheet Music and Hal Leonard as we present curated videos of the newest Hal Leonard titles for High School and Middle School choirs, with repertoire and resource suggestions for Concert & Festival, Holiday, Pop & Jazz, and Stage & Screen. Clinicians and composers featured include Roger Emerson, Rollo Dilworth, Mac Huff, Mark Brymer, Emily Crocker, Cristi Cary Miller, Audrey Snyder, Jonathan Palant, Michael John Trotta, Philip Silvey, and many more.

super sessionStanton’s Super Session
Available August 2020
Stanton’s Super Session features the best new choral literature and resources for High School and Middle School choirs from Alfred Music, Shawnee Press, Choristers Guild, Heritage Music Press, BriLee Music, Carl Fischer, Walton Music, and more. Join Andy Beck and Greg Gilpin, along with Stanton’s School Choral Music Specialist Jen Sper and a number of guest composers and presenters to discover quality choral music for both in-person and remote teaching situations.

Sacred Clinic logoSacred Choral Reading Session
Available August 2020
Featuring almost 40 new titles for a variety of worship styles and liturgical occasions, join Stanton’s Sacred Choral Music Specialist Jennifer Fry as she presents the best new sacred publications for Fall 2020.

excellence logoExcellence in Choral Literature
Available August 2020
Established in 1994, Stanton’s Excellence in Choral Literature session is designed to help you select concert and contest literature from some of choral music’s most distinguished composers. This session features the best new music for mixed, treble, and tenor/bass choirs at all levels of difficulty, as well as classic literature from the choral canon. Led by Jim Gallagher, Professor Emeritus at The Ohio State University, the Excellence Clinic is a valuable Stanton’s tradition for school, college, and community choir directors.

For immediate access to all of our virtual reading sessions as soon as they are available, subscribe to our online newsletter! Sessions will also be available on our website and YouTube channel.

No matter what form your classrooms or worship services may take next year, Stanton’s is your partner in music education and music ministry when it comes to providing you with the highest quality choral literature to enrich your singers’ lives! For more information, contact us at or 1-800-426-8742.

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