News & Views Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Let Freedom Ring: for Flexible Ensemble Wednesday, October 28, 2020

recommended by Ken T., Band Education Specialist

NEW FOR 2020
Sons of Liberty by Larry Neeck, Grade 3
A inspiring and exciting medley of three songs from the American Revolution (“Chester,” “Paul Jones Victory,” and “Yankee Doodle”), “Sons of Liberty” is perfect for that patriotic number on your next concert. Even if your band is limited in size or instrumentation, you will find this arrangement musically and educationally satisfying.

Amber Waves of Grain arr. James Curnow, Grade 2-3
Armed Forces – The Pride of America! arr. Larry Clark & Greg Gilpin, Grade 3
Armed Forces on Parade arr. Michael Sweeney, Grade 2.5
By Dawn’s Early Light by David Shaffer, Grade 3
God Bless America arr. Johnnie Vinson, Grade 2.5
God Bless the USA arr. Johnnie Vinson, Grade 2-3
Let Freedom Ring arr. Ed Huckeby, Grade 2.5
A Patriotic Treasure arr. Scott Stanton, Grade 2.5
The Star-Spangled Banner arr. Michael Sweeney, Grade 2-3

No matter what your in-person or remote teaching requires, shop Stanton’s for all your sheet music needs!

About the Author:
A former band director, Ken taught grade 5-12 band and music appreciation in both public and parochial schools in central Ohio, and has been at Stanton’s since 2004. His iPod ranges from jazz and funk to classic and alternative rock, and symphonies. His interests include reading, history, traditional amusement parks, the Muppets, and hockey (especially the Penguins).

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