News & Views Friday, March 14, 2025

Handbells for Worship Spring 2021 Friday, February 26, 2021

Bring Spring with these 12 Handbell choir selections for worship!

recommended by Jennifer F., Handbell Music Specialist

Blessed Assurance arr. Sandra Eithun, 2-3 octaves, Level 1
Listeners will immediately be captivated by a bold opening fanfare and a strong, straight-forward tune in this setting of the familiar hymn. With only one bell change, a few shakes, and some dynamic changes, beginning ringers will be able to offer a grand setting for any time when an energetic, celebratory piece is needed. An optional repeat has been included for added length if desired. The two editions are compatible for massed ringing.

Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken arr. Terry Osman, 2-3 octaves, Level 2
For ensembles and directors needing an easy-to-prepare hymn tune arrangement appropriate for services throughout the year, Terry Osman s arrangement of AUSTRIAN HYMN fits the bill. Delightful in its simplicity, with few bell changes and straightforward ringing throughout, this piece is a reliable addition to your library.

Hymns for 3 Octaves arr. Michael Ryan, 3 octaves, Level 1
“Hymns for 3 Octaves” includes eight, solid Level 1 settings of a variety of popular hymns from arranger Michael Ryan. There are no bell changes and no subdivisions of beats, making these settings easy to learn by any size, or level, handbell or handchime group. This is a real budget stretcher in that this book is completely reproducible. Titles include: “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty,” “Morning Has Broken,” “All Creatures of Our God and King,” “’Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus,” “In Thee Is Gladness,” “My Life Flows on in Endless Song,” “How Firm a Foundation,” and “Day by Day.”

Just As I Am arr. Linda R. Lamb, 2-3 octaves, Level 2
The classic Charlotte Elliot/William B. Bradbury hymn is introduced in this arrangement with mallets on suspended bells. The devotional mood continues throughout and is aided by printed phrases of the hymn text above the musical score.

Leaning on the Everlasting Arms arr. Sandra Eithun, 2-3 octaves, Level 2
This beloved hymn tune is given a fresh treatment in this accessible, up-beat arrangement. Offering wonderful opportunities to work on various stopped techniques such as mallets, thumb-damps, and martellato, it will be a perfect addition to worship services throughout the year.

Praise to the Lord arr. Anna Laura Page, 2-3 octaves, Level 1
Majestic setting of Lobe Den Herren; articulations include the echo, martellato and martellato lift; opportunity of learning to listen for melody above accompaniment; appropriate for general worship and Young Ringer festivals.

Shall We Gather at the River arr. Michael Helman, 2-3 octaves, Level 1
Here is a good, solid piece for level one that keeps everyone involved. This arrangement of the old gospel hymn combines smooth accompaniment with melody in upper and lower registers along with the echo and LV techniques.

Sweet Hour of Prayer arr. Sandra Eithun, 2-3 octaves, Level 1
This gentle rendering of the beloved hymn requires no bell changes and may be rung entirely on handchimes if desired. The piece offers a wonderful opportunity for beginning and developing choirs to work on artistic expression and musical phrasing. Published in two compatible editions, this arrangement will be a great choice for festivals, as well as worship services and concerts.

Two Hymns of the Church arr. Bill Ingram, 2-3 octaves, Level 1
Includes individual settings of “The Church’s One Foundation” and “My Jesus, I Love Thee.” Playable with handbells or handchimes. Usable by beginning ringers as they begin to participate in worship.

Trust and Obey arr. Ron Mallory, 2-3 octaves, Level 1
Both treble and bass clef ringers get their turn at playing the melody in this vibrant Level 1 setting. The arrangement also includes creative reharmonization of the well-known hymn tune, yet there are no bell changes throughout. Both 2-3 octave and 3-5 octave editions are available, which are compatible for massed ringing.

Amazing Grace arr. Michael Helman, 2-3 octaves, Level 1
Lovely setting of beloved hymn. Incorporates “Grace Greater than Our Sin.” Offers various articulations for the beginning ringer. Appropriate for worship services and special occasions.

Come, Thou Almighty King arr. Patricia Hurlbutt, 2-3 octaves, Level 2
Patricia Hurlbutt’s arrangement of ITALIAN HYMN is an exciting, accessible arrangement of the well-loved hymn. The tune undergoes a number of variations as the melody is passed around the entire choir. Multiple techniques keep both ringer and listener excited and engaged throughout.

No matter what your in-person or remote worship requires, shop Stanton’s for all your sheet music needs!

About the Author:
Jennifer F. is a graduate of Otterbein College with a degree in Vocal Performance. She has worked at Stanton’s for over 15 years specializing in Sacred Choral, Classical Vocal and Handbell music. Jennifer is Director of Handbells at Worthington Presbyterian Church and sings in the First Church Choir at First Congregational Church in Columbus Ohio, and is also the founder, Artistic Director and bass bell ringer for Handbells Columbus.

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