News & Views Sunday, March 30, 2025

Collections for Worship Wednesday, March 24, 2021

recommended by Jennifer F., Sacred Music Specialist

Collections for Choir
Essential Two-Part Anthems, Volume 4

Here is a collection of 11 top-selling anthems arranged for Two-Part Mixed voices, suitable for occasions throughout the church year. The contents is a virtual “greatest hits” from Hope’s choral catalog, with anthems for Advent, Christmas, Lent, Communion, Weddings, and general occasions. Titles include: “Hymn of Promise” by Sleeth, “Down to the River to Prayer (with Lord, Listen to Your Children)” arr. McDonald, “At the Table of the Lord” by Althouse, “Walk by Faith!” by Raney, “An Advent Reflection” by Martin, “Were You There on That Christmas Night?” by Sleeth, “Lord, I Stretch My Hands to You” by Althouse, “The Gift of Love” arr. Hopson, “Halle, Halle, Halle” arr. Hopson, “When You Prayed Beneath the Trees” by Larson, and “A Celtic Silent Night” arr. Tierney.

Small but Mighty Dan Forrest
Eight best-selling Dan Forrest anthems masterfully adapted for SAB choir. Each maintains the musical quality and impact of the originals, but is simplified to ensure success for smaller choirs. Vocal parts include unison, two-part, and SAB writing, reduced ranges, simpler voice leading, extra breaths and rests, and more. Piano accompaniments include thinner textures, fewer risky leaps, easier rhythms, and more choral doubling (original piano accompaniments and any additional optional instrumentation from the original SATB octavos are still fully compatible with these SAB versions). Titles include: “And Can It Be?,” “Arise, My Soul, Arise,” “Lord of the Small,” “The First Noel,” “Silent Night,” “To the Lamb on the Throne,” “Come to Me,” and “Great Is Thy Faithfulness.”

Women in Song, Volume 10
Here is the 10th volume in Hope Publishing’s successful series of settings for women’s choirs. Included are eight top-selling contemporary titles arranged for SSA voices. There are selections for Advent, Christmas, Palm Sunday, Pentecost, and general occasions throughout the year. Titles include: “Agnus Dei (with How Great Thou Art)” arr. Raney, “We Are Called” arr. Hayes, “I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light” arr. Hayes, “Holy Spirit, Living Breath of God” arr. Larson, “Here I Am, Lord” arr. Schrader, “Christmastime (with Angels We Have Heard on High)” arr. Larson, “Total Praise” arr. Raney, and “In the Name of the Lord” arr. McDonald.

Collections for Vocal Solo & Duet
Essential Vocal Duets, Volume 6
arr. Joel Raney, Mary McDonald & Mark Hayes
Here are ten vocal duets of top-sellers from the Hope catalog, each arranged for two medium voices. Available alone or in a book/CD combo with accompaniment tracks useful for rehearsal and performance. The wide range of seasonal and general settings makes this a wonderful collection for the church year. Titles include: “In Christ Alone (with Cornerstone)” arr. Raney, “How Can I Keep from Singing?” arr. McDonald, “Come to Jesus (Untitled Hymn)” arr. Hayes, “Blest Are They” arr. Hayes, “Total Praise” arr. Raney, “Ancient Words” arr. McDonald, “Alleluia! Give Thanks to the Risen Lord” arr. Raney, “One Small Child” arr. Hayes, “Angus Dei (with How Great Thou Art)” arr. Raney, and “In the Name of the Lord” arr. McDonald.”

Hymn Settings of John Ness Beck
Craig Courtney has taken ten hymn tune anthems written by John Ness Beck and arranged them for the solo voice. All arrangements are written for the medium voice. Titles include: “Amazing Grace,” “Assurance,” “Devotion,” “I Need Thee Every Hour,” “It Is Well with My Soul,” “The King of Love My Shepherd Is,” “The King Shall Come When Morning Dawns,” “Thanksgiving,” “There’s a Song in the Air,” and “Watchman, Tell Us of the Night.”

Sacred Songs of John Ness Beck
Craig Courtney has taken some of the most beloved choral treasures written by John Ness Beck and has transcribed them for the solo voice. The collections come in High, Medium and Low settings. Titles include: “Consecration,” “Every Valley,” “He Shall Feed His Flock,” “Lord, Here Am I,” “Lullaby,” “O Love, That Will Not Let Me Go,” “Offertory,” “The Quiet Heart,” “Still, Still with Thee,” and “Where Is the Child?”

Songs for the Journey by Craig Courtney & Dan Forrest
Dan Forrest and Craig Courtney have transcribed ten of their choral anthems for Medium voice – also available in High and Low voice editions. Titles include: “Amazing Grace” by Courtney, “Come to Me” by Forrest, “Let Me Hide Myself in Thee” arr. Courtney, “Song of the Wanderer” by Forrest, “Our Father” by Courtney, “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” arr. Forrest, “Come Home” by Courtney, “God of the Deep” by Forrest, “Prayer of Mother Teresa” by Courtney, and “See Amid the Winter’s Snow” by Forrest. Also includes optional cello obbligato parts for “Come to Me” and “Our Father.”

This Is the Time to Sing by Mary McDonald
This collection captures the musical essence of ten of Mary McDonald’s anthem and distills them into beautiful settings for solo voice and piano. Titles include: “Child of Peace,” “Children Bound for Heaven,” “Every Time I Feel the Spirit,” “Folk Hymn Suite,” “He’s Got the Whole World,” “Rise Up, Children, Arise,” “Sacred Harp Suite,” “Sing and Shout Together, Children,” “There Is a Happy Land (with Sweet By and By),” and “This Is the Time to Sing.”

Vocal Solos of Mary McDonald, Volume 1
Here are ten medium vocal solo settings of top-selling choral pieces from Mary McDonald. Available alone or in a book/CD combo with accompaniment tracks useful for rehearsal and performance. Includes a Christmas piece, a Lenten offering, majestic settings of beloved hymns, titles with gospel energy, and others more suited for personal reflection and inspiration. Titles include: “What a Friend,” “Coming Home,” “This Holy Night,” “Then Sings My Soul,” “Let Your Light Shine,” “Just As I Am, I Come,” “Down by the Riverside,” “Great Is Thy Faithfulness,” “How Marvelous! How Wonderful!,” “Down to the River to Pray (with Lord, Listen to Your Children.”

No matter what your in-person or remote worship requires, shop Stanton’s for all your sheet music needs!

About the Author:
Jennifer F. is a graduate of Otterbein College with a degree in Vocal Performance. She has worked at Stanton’s for over 15 years specializing in Sacred Choral, Classical Vocal and Handbell music. Jennifer is Director of Handbells at Worthington Presbyterian Church and sings in the First Church Choir at First Congregational Church in Columbus Ohio, and is also the founder, Artistic Director and bass bell ringer for Handbells Columbus.

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