News & Views Saturday, February 22, 2025

A Heart to Praise Friday, January 07, 2022

recommended by Caryn G. and Judy S., Sacred Piano Music Specialists

A Heart to Praise arr. Larry Shackley, for Intermediate Piano Solo
This new collection is a tribute to the hymnwriter William B. Bradbury, one of America’s first and greatest church composers. Larry Shackley provides imaginative settings of Bradbury classics like “Sweet Hour of Prayer” and “He Leadeth Me,” plus some of his lesser-known hymns that you are sure to enjoy. Titles include: “He Leadeth Me,” “Sweet Hour of Prayer,” “Jesus Loves Me,” “O Come, Angel Band!,” “The Solid Rock,” “Just As I Am,” “Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us,” “Holy Bible, Book Divine,” and “O for a Heart to Praise My God.”

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About the Authors:
Caryn G. is a graduate of Trinity Lutheran College (Washington state). She has over 24 years of experience working at Stanton’s in both the Piano and Choral departments, specializing in sacred piano music. She is a church pianist/accompanist and has enjoyed being a piano teacher and singing in many choirs over the years. When not working at Stanton’s or at church, she loves spending time with family members and friends, traveling and exploring, watching movies, reading, bike riding and most recently trying to better her culinary knowledge and be a little more artsy by painting rocks and water coloring.

Judy S. has 30 years of private piano teaching experience and 40 years as a church pianist. Her experience makes her a valuable connection for anybody who calls the piano department.

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