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Recruiting Titles for Strings Monday, April 11, 2022

Inspire the next group of students to play in the orchestra

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recommended by Megan W., Orchestra Specialist

Apache Peak by Susan Day, Grade 1.5
Perfect for advanced beginning orchestra, “Apache Peak” by Susan H. Day, takes its title from the Apache Peak, the second highest mountain peak (13,441 ft) in the Indian Peaks Wilderness of Colorado. This piece tries to capture the excitement and wonder of the breathtaking mountain scenery with melodies for all, easy rhythms, terraced dynamics, and an exciting conclusion.

Chaps ‘n Spurs by Susan Day, Grade 2
This upbeat Western themed grade 2 piece features lively melodies for all, with teaching opportunities to reinforce accents, hooked bows, pizzicato, 2 note slurs, lifts, cello divisi, slides, dynamics, and easy rhythms. Written in the key of G throughout, the opening theme is announced by all the upper strings in unison. Care should be taken not to make the notes too short and choppy. This fun and happy piece is perfect for any performance occasion!

Enduring the Storm by Lucas Shogren, Grade 1.5
A slow and gentle opening melody delivers a feeling of hope and perseverance before giving way to a strong, driving theme of unwavering determination that builds to an intense and exciting ending. Developing string players will have the opportunity to study a wide variety of articulations, dynamics, and bowings. An excellent choice to open or conclude a program.

Fight the Resistance! by Tanner Otto, Grade 1.5
“Fight the Resistance!” by Tanner Otto is an exciting and dynamic march-style piece and was written to highlight the skill of playing closer to the bridge. In order to play the sustained melodic lines forte, students must “fight the resistance” of the bridge by changing their bowing lane. It also reinforces the low-2 finger pattern (A minor) with a few accidentals. The cellos have very accessible shifting, and all sections get to play the melody. Great for working on staccato and accents.

Luminosity by Liam Ramsey-White, Grade 3.5
Brilliant, fresh and bright! Newcomer Liam Ramsey-White has created a piece that is truly luminous. Work on bell-tone techniques and harmonics as well as mixed-meter in this accessible grade 3 piece for string orchestra. The piece uniquely ends on a “fade-out” effect that will spice up any concert program.

Spy Rock by Eric B. David, Grade 0.5
With a driving rhythm, catchy melody, and rocking drum set, this thrilling original work will have musicians and concertgoers alike moving in their seats! Beginning players will have the opportunity to study modal tonality, open harmonies, dynamics, and pizzicato, all using only the notes E, B, A, B, and D. Sure to be a favorite at any beginning string orchestra’s first concert!

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About the Author:
Megan W., originally from Pittsburgh PA, is happy to call Columbus and Stanton’s Sheet Music “Home.” As a musician, Megan has played in marching and concert bands, youth orchestras, full orchestras, small ensembles, and a few choirs. Her interests include fiddling, reading, writing, martial arts and yoga.

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