News & Views Monday, January 20, 2025

Festival Hymn Collections for Organ Tuesday, November 21, 2023

recommended by Christopher B., Organ Music Specialist

The Coral Ridge Festival Hymn Collection, Volume 1 by Samuel Metzger
This collection includes 15 well-known hymns with optional descants for use with congregations and choirs. These settings have been used in the worship services at the Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida and have been collected for this volume. Suggestions are made in the collection for ways to incorporate a variety of instruments. Tunes include: “Adelaide,” “Darwall’s 148th (Darwall),” “Ellacombe,” “Foundation,” “Grosser Gott,” “Hymn to Joy,” “Italian Hymn,” “Laudes Domini,” “Lyons,” “Madrid (Spanish Hymn),” “Marion,” “Nicaea,” “St. Anne,” “St. Denio,” and “St. Gertrude.”

The Festival Hymn Collection, Volume 2 by Samuel Metzger
Festival verse settings of well-known hymns with optional descants for use with congregations and choirs. For each hymn an introduction, standard verse setting, often an interlude, and a concluding stanza are provided. Perfect for celebratory occasions or just to add a little spice in your hymn recipes. Tunes include: “Antioch,” “Aurelia,” “Crusader’s Hymn,” “CWM Rhondda,” “Diademata,” “Gloria,” “Hyfrydol,” “Lancashire,” “Lasst uns erfreuen,” “Regent Square,” “Sagina,” “St. Christopher,” “Terra Beata,” “Veni Emmanuel,” and “Webb.”

The Festival Hymn Collection, Volume 3 by Samuel Metzger
Following the success of the first two volumes, Volume 3 contains festival verse settings of well-known hymns with optional descants for use with congregations and choirs. For each hymn an introduction, standard verse setting, often an interlude, and a concluding stanza are provided. Perfect for celebratory occasions. Tunes include: “Andrews,” “Azmon,” “Coronation,” “Duke Street,” “Germany,” “Hendon,” “Lauda anima,” “Message,” “Mit Freuden zart,” “Nettleton,” “New Britain (Amazing Grace),” “Revive Us Again,” “Solid Rock,” “St. Catherine,” and “To God Be the Glory.”

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About the Author:
Christopher B. grew up in eastern Kentucky in a musically diverse family, and began playing organ at the age of 12. He majored in vocal performance with minors in keyboards and conducting at Marshall University and later received a Master of Theological Studies in congregational ministry from Trinity Lutheran Seminary. Christopher has served as a church music director and organist for more than 20 years, presently serving as Director of Music and Worship Arts/Organist at Church of the Master United Methodist in Westerville, OH.

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