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Technic Classics from Bastien Essentials Monday, December 18, 2023

Technic Classics: Piano Exercises Adapted and Composed by Lisa & Lori Bastien
These books are essential supplements to most standard piano methods. They are compilations of original, adapted, and composed technic exercises from the great European pedagogues of the 19th century as well as original works by Lisa Bastien. The series is designed to help students gain the ability to play the piano efficiently and comfortably while producing a beautiful sound. Close attention is give to the progression of concepts and includes the best exercises by Beyer, Czerny, Hanon, Schmitt, Gurlitt, Burgmüller, Türk, Wohlfahrt, and others. Useful Bastien teaching tips are also included.

Technic Classics Primer
Matches method series in which students learn notes from middle-C outward on the grand staff. Gives focus to lifting from the keys led by the wrists as well as shifting arm weight from one finger to the next. Playing melodic intervals and selected harmonic intervals (2nds, 3rds, 5ths) with the building blocks necessary for playing two- and three-note chords. Various note naming exercises are also included. Beautifully illustrated. A total of 26 exercises on 32 pages.

Technic Classics Level 1
This exercise book gives attention to many technic elements appropriate to early elementary piano students beginning with the down-up motion of the wrist in playing two-note slurs. Focus is also given to developing hands-together playing using mirror technics between the hands as well as parallel motion. It also includes preparation for playing 3-note chords including I and V7 chord (two-note) introduction. Up-touch staccato is introduced along with early experiences with playing staccato vs. legato between the hands. G and F positions are utilized. Agility exercises are notated in eighth notes and some early use of the damper pedal is explored. “Technic Challenges” ask students to transpose many of the exercises to other white keys. Has 52 exercises on 32 pages.

Technic Classics Level 2
Exercises by the master 19th century pedagogues appear more frequently throughout this book than the previous levels. Many exercises are included that build the skills needed for hands-together playing, agility development, finger crossing skills (needed to play fulloctave scales), melodic and harmonic 6ths, as well as I chords, inverted IV and V7 chords for cadences. Also included are hand-over-hand exercises and early experiences in voicing some notes louder than others within a series of eighth notes. Includes 58 exercises on 32 pages.

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