News & Views Monday, January 20, 2025

Organ Music of PDQ Bach: Honoring the Legacy of Prof. Peter Schickele Thursday, February 29, 2024

recommended by Christopher B., Organ Music Specialist

Peter Schickele (1935-2024) was an American composer, musical educator, and parodist, best known for comedy albums featuring his music, which he presented as being composed by the fictional P.D.Q Bach, the “youngest and the oddest of the twenty-odd children” of Johann Sebastian Bach.

Little Pickle Book (Pöckelbüchlein) (S. 6) by P.D.Q. Bach/tastefully edited by Peter Schickele, for Organ, at least
1. Toccata et Fuga Obnoxia
2. Chorale Prelude: Ave Maria et Agnus Dei
3. Fantasia sopra “Fraülein Maria Mack”
4. Lullaby and Good Night

    Three Chorale-Based Piecelets (S. III) by P.D.Q. Bach/edited, in a highly organized fashion, by Peter Schickele, for Organ
    I. Chorale: “Orally”
    II. Chorale Prelude on an American Hymn for the Last Sunday Before the Fourth Day of the Seventh Month After New Year’s Eve
    III. Chorale Variations on “In der’ Nacht so hell der Petrus ist mein Freund”

    Sonata da Circo (Circus Sonata) (S. 3 Ring) by P.D.Q. Bach/whipped into shape by Peter Schickele, for Organ or Whatever
    I. Spiel Vorspiel
    II. Entrada Grande
    III. Smokski, the Russian Bear
    IV. Toccata Ecdysiastica

    Toot Suite (S. 212) by P.D.Q. Bach/scholarly edited by Peter Schickele, for Calliope or Organ, 4-hands
    I. Preloud
    II. O.K. Chorale
    III. Fuga Vulgaris

    Shop Stanton’s for all your sheet music needs!

    About the Author:
    Christopher B. grew up in eastern Kentucky in a musically diverse family, and began playing organ at the age of 12. He majored in vocal performance with minors in keyboards and conducting at Marshall University and later received a Master of Theological Studies in congregational ministry from Trinity Lutheran Seminary. Christopher has served as a church music director and organist for more than 20 years, presently serving as Director of Music and Worship Arts/Organist at Church of the Master United Methodist in Westerville, OH.

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