News & Views Sunday, March 30, 2025

Be Joyful: Celebrating the Musical Legacy of Charles Callahan Friday, March 29, 2024

recommended by Christopher B., Organ Music Specialist

Be Joyful (12 Postludes on Familiar Hymns) arr. Charles Callahan
Callahan imbues each of these 12 tunes with a sense of fun, thus the title of this collection. These are big, buoyant pieces, a perfect way to end worship or punctuate a recital. Varied in difficulty levels, but none are daunting to learn. Titles include: “Coronation,” “Dix,” “Duke Street,” “Engelbert,” “Hyfrydol,” “Hymn to Joy,” “Jefferson,” “Judas Maccabeus,” “Nun danket alle Gott,” “Regent Square,” “Simple Gifts,” and “The Ash Grove.”

Eight Quiet Preludes on American Hymntunes arr. Charles Callahan
Eight beautiful and calming settings of favorite American hymn-tunes. These settings could easily become standards in any organist’s repertoire. Titles include: “Assurance,” “Beecher,” “Dunlap’s Creek,” “Jesus Loves Me,” “Lacquiparle/Lac Qui Parle,” “Let Us Break Bread,” “Materna,” and “Samanthra.”

Alleluia: A Postlude Collection by Charles Callahan
Compiled and edited by Charles Callahan, this useful collection includes pieces by himself and the composers Campra, Fiocco, Hesse, Salome, Foote, and Spence.

O God Beyond All Praising arr. Charles Callahan
Charles Callahan’s imaginative arranging skills are applied; the result is a volume of noble and useful music. Titles include: “Agincourt Hymn,” “Jerusalem,” “King’s Lynn,” “Repton,” “Terra Beata,” “Thaxted,” and “Thornbury.”

The Rejoicing by Charles Callahan
Includes past favorites that have been revised as well as new material. Titles include: “Postlude on St. Denio,” “Celebration,” “The Rejoicing from Suite in G,” “Trumpet Tune from Suite in D,” “Toccata on Lasst uns erfreuen,” “Postludium on Ein feste Burg,” and “Postlude on Darwall’s 148th.”

English Hymn Tune Suite arr. Charles Callahan
Full of color and variety, these settings will delight you and your congregation. Detailed suggestions on registrations will help you achieve the full effect of Charles Callahan’s vision of these five beloved English hymn tunes: DEO GRATIAS; LAUDATE DOMINUM; KINGSFOLD; NICAEA; and THAXTED. Accessible but satisfying.

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About the Author:
Christopher B. grew up in eastern Kentucky in a musically diverse family, and began playing organ at the age of 12. He majored in vocal performance with minors in keyboards and conducting at Marshall University and later received a Master of Theological Studies in congregational ministry from Trinity Lutheran Seminary. Christopher has served as a church music director and organist for more than 20 years, presently serving as Director of Music and Worship Arts/Organist at Church of the Master United Methodist in Westerville, OH.

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