News & Views Sunday, March 30, 2025

Classic PATRIOTIC Selections for Organ Monday, June 10, 2024

recommended by Christopher B., Organ Music Specialist

National Hymn (God of Our Fathers) arr. Mark Thewes
From the opening trumpet fanfare to the powerful, dramatic ending, organists a nd congregations will thrill at this exceptional setting of the familiar hymn tune, National Hymn. The piece calls for a big trumpet stop, but this can be echoed on a different manual if the stop is unavailable. A sure winner – don’t miss this exciting arrangement.

Meditation and Variations on America arr. Jan Linker
A meditation and a theme and variations on “America.”

The Star-Spangled Banner (Concert Variations) arr. E. Power Biggs
Here’s a creative and exciting presentation of “The Star Spangled Banner” like none other for organ. The moving and delightful concert variations style will keep the audience engaged and eager to hear more. Edited by the legendary E. Power Biggs.

Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory arr. Jan Linker
Four patriotic hymns arranged for organ. The collection contains: “Eternal Father, Strong to Save,” “Faith of Our Fathers,” “God of Our Fathers,” and “Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory.”

A Patriotic Suite arr. Charles Callahan
Effective on small and large instruments. Includes: “Processional on Eternal Father, Strong to Save” (MELITA), “Improvisation on O Beautiful, for Spacious Skies” (AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL), and “Theme, Variations, and Finale on The Star-Spangled Banner” (AMERICA).

Sousa Marches for Organ arr. Martin Setchell
The “March King” John Philip Sousa (1854-1932) wrote over 100 marches for his world-famous band. Eight of these famous marches are included in this collection. Titles include: “El Capitan,” “King Cotton,” “Semper fidelis,” “The Gladiator,” “The Liberty Bell,” “The Stars and Stripes Forever,” “The Thunderer,” and “The Washington Post.”

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About the Author:
Christopher B. grew up in eastern Kentucky in a musically diverse family, and began playing organ at the age of 12. He majored in vocal performance with minors in keyboards and conducting at Marshall University and later received a Master of Theological Studies in congregational ministry from Trinity Lutheran Seminary. Christopher has served as a church music director and organist for more than 20 years, presently serving as Director of Music and Worship Arts/Organist at Church of the Master United Methodist in Westerville, OH.

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