News & Views Sunday, March 30, 2025

Angels Are Singing, Heaven Is Ringing! Kid’s Korner for Christmas Friday, September 27, 2024

recommended by Jennifer F., Sacred Choral Music Specialist

Angels Are Singing, Heaven Is Ringing arr. Lloyd Larson, Unison/2-part with piano and optional flute
Two traditional melodies come together for this joyful offering! Upper elementary singers will enjoy the option of partnering the two melodies to create a pleasing part-singing experience. This is a children’s adaptation of a piece from the Christmas cantata “Love Is Born!” by Lloyd Larson. If your adults are presenting the cantata, have your children’s choir sing this version a week or so before the presentation. You can then have the children join with the adults on the anthem in the cantata. This offers multi use of this multi-generational gem.

Christmas Cradlesong by Terry Taylor, Unison with piano and optional 8 handbells
This story-song presents a gentle retelling of the nativity of Jesus wrapped in a beautiful unison melody. It will live in the hearts and minds of young singers (and listeners) long after the performance. There is a simple handbell part to add a bit of harmonic interest to the unison line. This will work as a stand-alone anthem or could be incorporated into a Christmas pageant, service of lessons and carols, or any worship service of the Christmas season.

Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow arr. Audrey Snyder, Unison/2-part with piano
This energetic arrangement of the popular Christmas spiritual highlights the invitation to follow the star and find the newborn King. The familiar melody comes alive with a supportive piano accompaniment and jubilant hand claps that enhance the celebratory mood. Optional solos give young singers a chance to shine!

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About the Author:
Jennifer F. is a graduate of Otterbein College with a degree in Vocal Performance. She has worked at Stanton’s for over 20 years specializing in Sacred Choral, Classical Vocal and Handbell music. Jennifer is Director of Handbells at Worthington Presbyterian Church, and sings in the First Church Choir and rings with the First Church Ringers at First Congregational Church in Columbus Ohio. When not singing or ringing, Jennifer can be found doing conformation and other competitive sports with her three standard long haired dachshunds, Fanny, Frenchie, and Lukas.

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