News & Views Thursday, March 13, 2025

Hallelu! He Lives! Kid’s Korner for Spring 2025 Monday, February 10, 2025

recommended by Jennifer F., Sacred Choral Music Specialist

Hallelu! He Lives! arr. Ruth Elaine Schram, 2-part with piano
Here’s a joyous, energetic praise anthem celebrating the resurrection. This partner song pairs the traditional chorus “Hallelu, Hallelu” with a simple complementary vocal line that creates an accessible part-singing experience for even younger elementary singers. Invite parents or even grandparents and other relatives to rehearse and sing with the children for an intergenerational worship moment.

Alleluia, Amen! arr. Vicki Hancock Wright, Unison/2-part with piano
“Alleluia, Amen!” is an energetic setting of a familiar hymn appropriate for children’s voices. It is a call for all to praise God and can be used at various times throughout the church year. Though it can be done completely in unison, there is an optional descant/response part that will provide an extra challenge for your more experienced singers.

Celebrate Jesus! He’s Alive! by Lynn Shaw Bailey, Unison/2-part with piano and optional glockenspiel or handbells
With words of celebration and music that sparkles, the joy of Christ’s resurrection fills this anthem from start to finish. A brief snippet of the hymn tune, LLANFAIR, along with its acclamation of “alleluias,” heightens the sense of jubilation and praise. Optional glockenspiel or handbells provide a perfect addition for Easter worship.

Give of Your Best by Vicki Hancock Wright, Unison with piano
A classic hymn text takes on a new shine with captivating music and a flowing accompaniment. The lilting, seamless melody is tuneful and memorable, helping children internalize the message to truly give their best and live the fullness of God’s love in their lives.

Joyfully Sing! by Allen Pote, Unison with piano and optional flute
Seasoned composer Allen Pote has created a bright and lovely celebration of praise and thanksgiving to God for God’s gift of creation. The closing text reminds us that we are indeed all God’s children. It can be sung completely in unison, but the harmonized ending will be an exciting conclusion to the piece. Add the flute for an extra glow. Truly delightful!

My Faith’s Got Shoes by Mark Burrows, 2-part with piano and optional conga & shakers
This anthem features a catchy melody that kids will sing all year long, a grooving piano accompaniment with optional percussion, and a message that sticks. It’s no surprise that this song will become a favorite of your choristers. A great selection for a music and arts camp, vacation Bible school, or Sunday school theme song.

Shout! Shout Hosanna! by Charles McCartha, Unison/2-part with piano
This Palm Sunday anthem is bursting with energy, anticipation, and joy. Developing voices shine with a melody written in the perfect range for young treble voices. Add the optional second part for older elementary or middle school singers, allowing them to explore their expanded alto range and become confident part singers.

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About the Author:
Jennifer F. is a graduate of Otterbein College with a degree in Vocal Performance. She has worked at Stanton’s for over 20 years specializing in Sacred Choral, Classical Vocal and Handbell music. Jennifer is Director of Handbells at Worthington Presbyterian Church, and sings in the First Church Choir and rings with the First Church Ringers at First Congregational Church in Columbus Ohio. When not singing or ringing, Jennifer can be found doing conformation and other competitive sports with her three standard long haired dachshunds, Fanny, Frenchie, and Lukas.

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