News & Views Thursday, March 27, 2025

Category: Piano Music

Simply Curry Vol. 3 27 March, 2025

recommended by Caryn G., Sacred Piano Music Specialist

Simply Curry Vol. 3: Ten Moments of Worship at the Piano arr. Craig Curry
These ten piano solos, gathered in the third volume of Craig Curry’s popular series, provide stirring and creative renditions of well-known hymns for the intermediate pianist to play at home or share with an audience. You’ll want to fill your sanctuary with the sounds of these inspired arrangements written by one of our most respected writers.

Titles include: “I Have Decided to Follow Jesus,” “Rock of Ages,” “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus,” “Have Thine Own Way, Lord,” “What a Friend We Have in Jesus,” “Take My Life and Let It Be Consecrated,” “How Can I Keep from Singing,” “Like a River Glorious,” “In the Garden,” and “If You But Trust in God to Guide You.”

Shop Stanton’s for all your sheet music needs!

About the Authors:
Caryn G. is a graduate of Trinity Lutheran College (Washington state). She has over 24 years of experience working at Stanton’s in both the Piano and Choral departments, specializing in sacred piano music. She is a church pianist/accompanist and has enjoyed being a piano teacher and singing in many choirs over the years. When not working at Stanton’s or at church, she loves spending time with family members and friends, traveling and exploring, watching movies, reading, bike riding and most recently trying to better her culinary knowledge and be a little more artsy by painting rocks and water coloring.

Then I Met the Master 11 March, 2025

recommended by Caryn G., Sacred Piano Music Specialist

Then I Met the Master: Songs of Our Gospel Heritage for Solo Piano arr. Brad Nix
Brad Nix explores the classic songs of our gospel heritage in this fun and joyous collection of keyboard solos. As Brad writes in the foreword, this book is a tribute to a style of music and a style of piano playing that he loves. While the volume is crafted for intermediate pianists, more advanced pianists can easily use the arrangements as templates for their own embellished performances.

Titles include: “Then I Met the Master,” “I’m Feeling Fine,” “Just a Little Talk with Jesus,” “Consider the Lilies,” “How Long Has It Been?,” “Sweet, Sweet Spirit,” “I Believe in a Hill Called Mount Calvary,” and “Goodby, World, Goodby.”

Shop Stanton’s for all your sheet music needs!

About the Authors:
Caryn G. is a graduate of Trinity Lutheran College (Washington state). She has over 24 years of experience working at Stanton’s in both the Piano and Choral departments, specializing in sacred piano music. She is a church pianist/accompanist and has enjoyed being a piano teacher and singing in many choirs over the years. When not working at Stanton’s or at church, she loves spending time with family members and friends, traveling and exploring, watching movies, reading, bike riding and most recently trying to better her culinary knowledge and be a little more artsy by painting rocks and water coloring.

Seasons of the Soul 27 February, 2025

recommended by Caryn G., Sacred Piano Music Specialist

Seasons of the Soul: Introits, Interludes and Codas for Solo Piano arr. Lloyd Larson
From the pen of Lloyd Larson comes this versatile and highly useful piano collection. These “all year long songs” cover the gamut of the church year: Advent, Christmas, Lent/Holy Week, Palm Sunday, Lent, Easter, Pentecost, and Thanksgiving. Through the format of brief introits, interludes, and postludes (“codas”), these tasteful hymn and carol arrangements can be played with minimal rehearsal. And thanks to Lloyd’s careful and consistent craftmanship, each setting is a winner. This is a book that will become a treasured addition to your repertoire which you’ll use time after time!

Titles include: “The King Shall Come,” “Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence,” “People, Look East,” “Angels from the Realms of Glory,” “Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light,” “Go, Tell It on the Mountain,” “Hallelujah! What a Savior,” “O Sacred Head, Now Wounded,” “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross,” “Hosanna, Loud Hosanna,” “Ride On, Ride On In Majesty!,” “All Glory, Laud, and Honor,” “Jesus Christ Is Risen Today,” “Christ Arose!,” “The Day of Resurrection,” “Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart,” “Breathe On Me, Breath of God,” “Every Time I Feel the Spirit,” “We Gather Together,” “Come, Ye Thankful People, Come,” and “Now Thank We All Our God.”

Shop Stanton’s for all your sheet music needs!

About the Author:
Caryn G. is a graduate of Trinity Lutheran College (Washington state). She has over 24 years of experience working at Stanton’s in both the Piano and Choral departments, specializing in sacred piano music. She is a church pianist/accompanist and has enjoyed being a piano teacher and singing in many choirs over the years. When not working at Stanton’s or at church, she loves spending time with family members and friends, traveling and exploring, watching movies, reading, bike riding and most recently trying to better her culinary knowledge and be a little more artsy by painting rocks and water coloring.

From Heaven Above 11 February, 2025

recommended by Caryn G., Sacred Piano Music Specialist

From Heaven Above: Glorious Hymns of the Reformation Era for Solo Piano arr. Larry Shackley
Larry Shackley sets his sights on hymns stemming from the Reformation in the superb new collection. Featuring well-known hymns as well as musical gems that might be less familiar to many contemporary congregations, pianists will relish every page. Larry’s arrangements, crafted for the advanced pianist, feature all of the trademarks of his arranging style, including jazz harmonies as well as classical and contemporary stylings.

Titles include: “All Glory Be to God on High,” “Now Thank We All Our God,” “From Heaven Above I Come to You,” “In Thee Is Gladness,” “O Sacred Head, Now Wounded,” “Bread of the World,” “Fanfare on the Doxology,” and “Comfort, Comfort Now My People.”

Shop Stanton’s for all your sheet music needs!

About the Author:
Caryn G. is a graduate of Trinity Lutheran College (Washington state). She has over 24 years of experience working at Stanton’s in both the Piano and Choral departments, specializing in sacred piano music. She is a church pianist/accompanist and has enjoyed being a piano teacher and singing in many choirs over the years. When not working at Stanton’s or at church, she loves spending time with family members and friends, traveling and exploring, watching movies, reading, bike riding and most recently trying to better her culinary knowledge and be a little more artsy by painting rocks and water coloring.

Unleashing the Potential of the Musician’s Body 31 January, 2025

recommended by Jen Sper and Lisa Springer, School Choral Music Specialists

Unleashing the Potential of the Musician’s Body (Timani: Anatomy and Exercises for Healthy Playing and Singing) by Tina Margareta Nilssen
“Unleashing the Potential of the Musician’s Body” offers clear and practical tools for music professionals, students, educators, movement specialists, and therapists working with musicians. You’ll learn about relevant anatomy – in particular, joints, muscles, and fascia – and get information on how the brain and movement are linked together. You’ll find dozens of illustrated performance-targeted exercises for all parts of the body, with specific instructions for different types of instruments as well as for singers. The exercises are designed to optimize movement and make playing or singing more effortless and expressive – and through this, access more musical potential. This book also touches on subjects such as warm-ups, pain, healthy living, and self-care tips.

Shop Stanton’s for all your sheet music needs!

About the Authors:
Jen Sper is a Choral Music Specialist here at Stanton’s Sheet Music. A native of Cincinnati, she holds a Bachelor of Music Education degree from Baldwin Wallace College (now University) Conservatory of Music, and taught 7-12 choir, music theory, class piano, and drama in Southern Ohio before joining the Stanton’s team in 2006. An active choral singer and accompanist throughout the Central Ohio area, Jen can also often be found exploring the exciting restaurant, brewery, and theater scenes in Columbus, wandering through the local metro parks, visiting family around the Great Lakes, or at home with her very friendly cat.

Lisa Springer joined the Stanton’s choral staff in July 2023. She taught middle and high school choirs for 27 years in addition to serving as Artistic Director of the Columbus Women’s Chorus. She holds degrees from Heidelberg University and Cleveland Institute of Music. She has enjoyed an extensive professional singing career and continues to perform in the greater Columbus area. During her free time, she enjoys spending time in southern Ohio playing with her grandchildren.

Alleluia! A Praise Gathering for Believers 22 January, 2025

recommended by Caryn G., Sacred Piano Music Specialist

Alleluia! A Praise Gathering for Believers by Bill & Gloria Gaither and Ron Huff/arr. Mark Hayes
In the 1970s, “Alleluia” by Bill and Gloria Gaither and Ronn Huff was the top selling choral cantata in the US. To celebrate the 50th anniversary Mark Hayes has created a fabulous piano collection of eleven titles from the cantata, including “Let’s Just Praise the Lord,” “There’s Something About That Name,” “Because He Lives,” “Something Beautiful,” and “Get All Excited.” Plus, the book will contain a series of photos from the original debut.

Shop Stanton’s for all your sheet music needs!

About the Author:
Caryn G. is a graduate of Trinity Lutheran College (Washington state). She has over 24 years of experience working at Stanton’s in both the Piano and Choral departments, specializing in sacred piano music. She is a church pianist/accompanist and has enjoyed being a piano teacher and singing in many choirs over the years. When not working at Stanton’s or at church, she loves spending time with family members and friends, traveling and exploring, watching movies, reading, bike riding and most recently trying to better her culinary knowledge and be a little more artsy by painting rocks and water coloring.

Service Starters 09 January, 2025

recommended by Caryn G., Sacred Piano Music Specialist

Service Starters: A Worship Resource for Congregational Music-Making arr. Lloyd Larson
Start your worship service in a distinct and creative fashion with this unique resource by longtime church musician Lloyd Larson. These hymn settings enable collaboration between the pianist, scripture reader, vocal soloist, and/or instrumentalist, all while promoting congregational singing. With standard chorale harmonizations for the initial verses and inspiring key changes leading to a freely harmonized final stanza, this resource adds depth to your worship experience.

Titles include: “Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!,” “I Need Thee Every Hour,” “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing,” “When Morning Gilds the Skies,” “O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing,” “O Worship the King,” “Near to the Heart of God,” and “Be Thou My Vision.”

Shop Stanton’s for all your sheet music needs!

About the Author:
Caryn G. is a graduate of Trinity Lutheran College (Washington state). She has over 24 years of experience working at Stanton’s in both the Piano and Choral departments, specializing in sacred piano music. She is a church pianist/accompanist and has enjoyed being a piano teacher and singing in many choirs over the years. When not working at Stanton’s or at church, she loves spending time with family members and friends, traveling and exploring, watching movies, reading, bike riding and most recently trying to better her culinary knowledge and be a little more artsy by painting rocks and water coloring.

THE EVERLASTING SONG by Mary McDonald 05 December, 2024

recommended by Caryn G. and Christopher B., Sacred Piano Music Specialists

The Everlasting Song (Fresh Hymn Arrangements for the Piano) arr. Mary McDonald
Adding her distinctive touch to these classic hymns, Mary McDonald has provided a rich resource for church pianists everywhere. Ideally suited for times of prelude, prayer, response, Communion, offertory, and so much more, particularly during the Spring season, this collection is also ideal for times of personal worship at home. Titles include: “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name,” “Be Thou My Vision,” “I Am Resolved,” “Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley,” “Beneath the Cross of Jesus,” “Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross,” “How Can I Keep from Singing?,” “I Love to Tell the Story,” “This Is My Father’s World,” and “Triumphant Resurrection.”

Shop Stanton’s for all your sheet music needs!

About the Authors:
Caryn G. is a graduate of Trinity Lutheran College (Washington state). She has over 24 years of experience working at Stanton’s in both the Piano and Choral departments, specializing in sacred piano music. She is a church pianist/accompanist and has enjoyed being a piano teacher and singing in many choirs over the years. When not working at Stanton’s or at church, she loves spending time with family members and friends, traveling and exploring, watching movies, reading, bike riding and most recently trying to better her culinary knowledge and be a little more artsy by painting rocks and water coloring.

Christopher B. grew up in eastern Kentucky in a musically diverse family, and began playing organ at the age of 12. He majored in vocal performance with minors in keyboards and conducting at Marshall University and later received a Master of Theological Studies in congregational ministry from Trinity Lutheran Seminary. Christopher has served as a church music director and organist for more than 20 years, presently serving as Director of Music and Worship Arts/Organist at Church of the Master United Methodist in Westerville, OH.

Joy and Peace: Piano Music for Christmas 01 October, 2024

peaceful noel lloyd larson

recommended by Caryn G. and Christopher B., Sacred Piano Music Specialists

A Peaceful Noel arr. Lloyd Larson
Masterfully crafted by the always creative and dependable Lloyd Larson, the arrangements in this collection are all peaceful in nature. They are intended to help create a spirit of calm and repose during a busy season, whether in corporate worship settings or in private times of devotion. But most importantly they remind us that the Prince of Peace, the One born of God, has come to dwell among us; to bring hope and tranquility into our world of chaos and turmoil. Titles include: “Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus,” “Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence,” “How Far Is It to Bethlehem,” “O Little Town of Bethlehem,” “Angels We Have Heard on High,” “Gentle Mary Laid Her Child (with Infant Holy, Infant Lowly),” “Sing We Now of Christmas (with The First Noel),” “Away in a Manger,” “I Wonder as I Wander,” and “We Three Kings.”

Heavenly Peace arr. Mary McDonald
We are pleased to present our first solo collection for pianists from one of our most valued and trusted composers, Mary McDonald. Here are ten settings ingeniously crafted for the church musician who desires music that can be easily mastered with minimal practice. These quiet, meditative settings are ideal for worship as well as personal renewal. Each setting is designed for personal expression and will accommodate intermediate to advanced pianists. Titles include: “Away in a Manger,” “Coventry Carol,” “Heavenly Peace,” “In the Bleak Midwinter,” “Jesus, Jesus, Rest Your Head,” “O Come to My Heart,” “Once in Royal David’s City,” “See, Amid the Winter’s Snow,” “The Babe, the Son of Mary,” and “Good People All, This Christmas Time.”

10 Christmas Songs for Solo Piano Volume 2 arr. Mark Hayes
Due to overwhelming demand, here’s Volume Two from The Mark Hayes Piano Library Series! For this follow-up release, Mark has put his special touch on classic carols. Exquisite! Titles include: “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel,” “Lo! How a Rose E’er Blooming,” “Sussex Carol,” “A La Nanita Nana,” “Wexford Carol,” “Jesus, Oh What a Wonderful Child,” “Away in a Manger,” “Bring a Torch, Jeanette, Isabella,” “Silent Night,” and “Gesù Bambino.”

Shop Stanton’s for all your sheet music needs!

About the Authors:
Caryn G. is a graduate of Trinity Lutheran College (Washington state). She has over 24 years of experience working at Stanton’s in both the Piano and Choral departments, specializing in sacred piano music. She is a church pianist/accompanist and has enjoyed being a piano teacher and singing in many choirs over the years. When not working at Stanton’s or at church, she loves spending time with family members and friends, traveling and exploring, watching movies, reading, bike riding and most recently trying to better her culinary knowledge and be a little more artsy by painting rocks and water coloring.

Christopher B. grew up in eastern Kentucky in a musically diverse family, and began playing organ at the age of 12. He majored in vocal performance with minors in keyboards and conducting at Marshall University and later received a Master of Theological Studies in congregational ministry from Trinity Lutheran Seminary. Christopher has served as a church music director and organist for more than 20 years, presently serving as Director of Music and Worship Arts/Organist at Church of the Master United Methodist in Westerville, OH.

Gentle and Lowly: Songs from the Heart of Jesus 12 September, 2024

recommended by Caryn G. and Christopher B., Sacred Piano Music Specialists

Gentle and Lowly (Songs from the Heart of Jesus) arr. Faye López
Inspired by the bestselling book of the same name, Faye López brings her unmistakable creative touch to ten hymns focusing on the heart of Jesus. Whether you are playing or listening, these hymn settings will bring you into a better understanding of the tender heart of our Savior.

Titles include: “Jesus Loves Me,” “No Other Plea,” “O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus,” “Depth of Mercy,” “My Savior’s Love,” “Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee,” “No, Not One,” “Jesus, What a Friend for Sinners,” “’Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus with Only Trust Him,” and “I Will Arise and Go to Jesus.”

Shop Stanton’s for all your sheet music needs!

About the Authors:
Caryn G. is a graduate of Trinity Lutheran College (Washington state). She has over 24 years of experience working at Stanton’s in both the Piano and Choral departments, specializing in sacred piano music. She is a church pianist/accompanist and has enjoyed being a piano teacher and singing in many choirs over the years. When not working at Stanton’s or at church, she loves spending time with family members and friends, traveling and exploring, watching movies, reading, bike riding and most recently trying to better her culinary knowledge and be a little more artsy by painting rocks and water coloring.

Christopher B. grew up in eastern Kentucky in a musically diverse family, and began playing organ at the age of 12. He majored in vocal performance with minors in keyboards and conducting at Marshall University and later received a Master of Theological Studies in congregational ministry from Trinity Lutheran Seminary. Christopher has served as a church music director and organist for more than 20 years, presently serving as Director of Music and Worship Arts/Organist at Church of the Master United Methodist in Westerville, OH.

LLOYD LARSON: The Comprehensive Collection 03 September, 2024

recommended by Caryn G. and Christopher B., Sacred Piano Music Specialists

Lloyd Larson: The Comprehensive Collection arr. Lloyd Larson
Lloyd Larson’s signature and beloved arrangements have graced us for decades. To celebrate his notable work, we invite you to explore his best compositions and artful arrangements in this comprehensive collection. With works suitable for every occasion in the church year, this is a valuable collection for any church musician!

Shop Stanton’s for all your sheet music needs!

About the Authors:
Caryn G. is a graduate of Trinity Lutheran College (Washington state). She has over 24 years of experience working at Stanton’s in both the Piano and Choral departments, specializing in sacred piano music. She is a church pianist/accompanist and has enjoyed being a piano teacher and singing in many choirs over the years. When not working at Stanton’s or at church, she loves spending time with family members and friends, traveling and exploring, watching movies, reading, bike riding and most recently trying to better her culinary knowledge and be a little more artsy by painting rocks and water coloring.

Christopher B. grew up in eastern Kentucky in a musically diverse family, and began playing organ at the age of 12. He majored in vocal performance with minors in keyboards and conducting at Marshall University and later received a Master of Theological Studies in congregational ministry from Trinity Lutheran Seminary. Christopher has served as a church music director and organist for more than 20 years, presently serving as Director of Music and Worship Arts/Organist at Church of the Master United Methodist in Westerville, OH.

NEW VOLUME of Easy Piano Organ Duets 07 August, 2024

easy piano organ duets marianne kim

recommended by Christopher B., Organ Music Specialist

Easy Piano-Organ Duets Volume 3 arr. Marianne Kim
Immerse yourself in a musical journey with Marianne Kim’s Volume III of “Easy Piano-Organ Duets.” Featuring her heartfelt arrangements, this collection infuses loving hymns, Christmas carols, and Easter, and Thanksgiving hymns, with a touch of jazz and fresh harmonies. Perfect for musicians of all levels, experience the harmonious convergence of tradition and creativity. Let these arrangements unlock a tapestry of emotion, creating moments of reflection and shared musical joy. Titles include: “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today,” “Fairest Lord Jesus,” “Go, Tell It on the Mountain,” “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands,” “How Great Thou Art,” “Let Us Break Bread Together,” “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel,” “O Little Town of Bethlehem with It Came Upon the Midnight Clear,” “The Gift of Love,” and “We Gather Together.”

Easy Piano-Organ Duets Volume 2 arr. Marianne Kim
50 years ago, Donald P. Hustad and Tedd Smith arranged “Easy Duets for Piano & Organ for the Church.” That collection continues to be one of the best-selling keyboard books in the Hope catalog. Creative arranger, Marianne Kim, now offers us a follow-up collection of ten accessible duets for piano and organ. Included are titles for Christmas, Lent, Easter and general occasions. Titles include: “Crown Him with Many Crowns,” “O Sacred Head, Now Wounded,” “Silent Night, Holy Night,” “Amazing Grace,” “Be Thou My Vision,” “Great Is Thy Faithfulness,” “How Firm a Foundation,” “It Is Well with My Soul,” “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee,” and “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty.”

Easy Piano-Organ Duets for the Church arr. Tedd Smith & Don Hustad
Eleven popular arrangements taken from their Crusade repertoire and simplified for easy sight-reading. Titles include: “All Glory, Laud and Honor,” “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing,” “Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Wretched,” “Faith of Our Fathers,” “For the Beauty of the Earth,” “Lead Me to Calvary,” “O Master, Let Me Walk with Thee,” “Onward, Christian Soldiers,” “Tell Me the Old, Old Story,” “We’re Marching to Zion,” and “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross.”

Shop Stanton’s for all your sheet music needs!

About the Author:
Christopher B. grew up in eastern Kentucky in a musically diverse family, and began playing organ at the age of 12. He majored in vocal performance with minors in keyboards and conducting at Marshall University and later received a Master of Theological Studies in congregational ministry from Trinity Lutheran Seminary. Christopher has served as a church music director and organist for more than 20 years, presently serving as Director of Music and Worship Arts/Organist at Church of the Master United Methodist in Westerville, OH.

Join Us with LLOYD LARSON on Saturday! 05 August, 2024

Saturday August 10, 2024
9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Church of the Messiah, 51 N. State Street, Westerville OH 43081
Presented by Lloyd Larson

Stanton’s is pleased to welcome back Lloyd Larson as our clinician for the August Sacred Choral Music reading session. Mr. Larson earned a B.A. from Anderson University of Anderson, Indiana in 1976 and a M.C.M. from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary of Louisville, Kentucky in 1979. He has done additional graduate work at Southern Baptist Seminary, The Ohio State University, and Northern Baptist Seminary, Chicago, Illinois.

Since 1982, Lloyd has been an active composer and arranger for several major publishing companies of church and school music. His compositions and arrangements include well over 1,500 published works—including choral anthems, numerous extended Christmas, Easter and non‑seasonal works, keyboard collections, vocal solo and duet collections, instrumental works for solo and ensembles, orchestrations, and handbell settings. The resulting notoriety has placed him in constant demand as a clinician throughout North America. It is Lloyd’s work in his local church that continues to be the catalyst for much of his writing where he is actively involved in various roles of music leadership.

Your registration for the clinic includes a packet of over 30 new choral anthems that are hand-picked from the hundreds published each year. Please note that there is no pre-registration for this session – all registration will take place on-site beginning at 8:30 a.m. We look forward to seeing you on August 10th for a wonderful morning of singing with one of the nation’s most sought after church music experts.

Contact the Choral Department for more information on the Sacred Choral reading session.

Saturday August 10, 2024
2:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m.
Stanton’s Sheet Music, 330 S. Fourth Street, Columbus OH 43215
Presented by Lloyd Larson

Join us at Stanton’s Sheet Music for an afternoon of listening to new selections of sacred piano music that will be enjoyable to play in church or at home. Our clinician this year is Lloyd Larson.

Contact the Keyboard Department for more information on the Sacred Piano reading session.

Journey Through the Classics 02 August, 2024

Journey Through the Classics: Complete arr. Jennifer Linn
“Journey Through the Classics Complete” is a convenient compilation of all 98 pieces from Books 1-4 of this popular series. The graded pieces are presented in a progressive order and feature a variety of classical favorites essential to any piano student’s educational foundation. The authentic repertoire is ideal for auditions and recitals, and each level includes a handy reference chart with the key, composer, stylistic period, and challenge elements listed for each piece. Quality and value make this volume a perfect classical companion for any method!

Journey Through the Classics: Romantic Collection
“Journey Through the Classics – Romantic Collection” is a piano repertoire collection of 50 original masterworks by Romantic era composers including Brahms, Burgmüller, Chopin, Grieg, Heller, Liszt, Mendelssohn, Schumann, Tchaikovsky, and many more. The graded pieces 1-50 are presented in a progressive order from early intermediate through late intermediate level. The authentic repertoire is ideal for auditions and recitals, and each level includes a handy reference chart with the key, composer, and challenge elements listed for each piece.

Journey Through the Classics: Piano Duets
Featuring 58 carefully curated classical duets from elementary to intermediate, this 1 piano, 4 hands collection is a must-have for every piano studio. Features comb-binding for easy page turns. Includes works by Brahms, Czerny, Gurlitt, Lully, Schubert, Tchaikovsky, and many more. The graded pieces are presented in a progressive order from elementary through to intermediate level. The authentic repertoire is ideal for lessons and recitals, and every level includes a reference chart with the key, composer, and challenge elements listed for each piece.

Shop Stanton’s for all your sheet music needs!

Calming Classical Piano Solos 29 July, 2024

Calming Classical Piano Solos
Sometimes you just need some soothing piano music to relax, unwind, and let go. This collection gathers nearly 40 beautiful classical favorites for the intermediate-level player. Works include: Air (from Water Music) (Händel) • Arietta, Op. 12, No. 1 (Grieg) • Bagatelle in G Major, Op. 126, No. 5 (Beethoven) • Canon in D (Pachelbel) • Clair De Lune (Debussy) • Gymnopedie No. 1 (Satie) • Lullaby (Cradle Song) (Brahms) • La Pastorale (Burgmüller) • Piano Sonata No. 8 “Pathetique” (Beethoven) • Prelude in A Major, Op. 28, No. 4 (Chopin) • Prelude in C Major (Bach)• Reverie (Debussy) • Slumber Song (Gurlitt) • The Swan (Le Cygne) (Saint-Säens) • Waltz in A-Flat Major, Op. 39, No. 15 (Brahms) • and more.

Shop Stanton’s for all your sheet music needs!

Enjoy Playing SACRED PIANO DUETS 25 July, 2024

recommended by Caryn G. and Christopher B., Sacred Piano Music Specialists

Come, Christians, Join to Play! Creative Hymn Settings for Piano Four-Hands arr. Mark Hayes
The only thing better than playing a solo is sharing the joy with a partner on the bench. Mark Hayes said it, knows it, and proves it in this book of four-hand piano arrangements. Featuring favorite gospel songs, spirituals, and American folk hymns, this collection includes something for everyone. Titles include: “Come, Christians, Join to Sing,” “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee,” “My Shepherd Will Supply My Need,” “Since Jesus Came Into My Heart,” “Battle Hymn of the Republic,” “Ding Dong! Merrily on High/O Sanctissima,” and “Oh, the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus.”

The Heavens Are Telling (12 Masterworks Arranged for Four-Hand Piano) arr. Stan Pethel & James Pethel
Arrangers Stan and James Pethel present settings of 12 classical masterworks in this brilliant collection arranged for four-hand piano. From Brahms’ ever-popular “How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place” to Beethoven’s “The Heavens Are Telling,” intermediate-level pianists will find this volume a superb resource for worship services and recitals. Titles include: “The Heavens are Telling,” “Meditation based on The Well-Tempered Clavier, Vol. 1, No. 1,” “Achieved is the Glorious Work from The Creation,” “Lacrimosa from Requiem K. 626,” “The Shepherd’s Farewell to the Holy Family from L’enfance du Christ,” “Evening Prayer from the opera Hansel and Gretel,” “Thaxted from The Planets, Jupiter,” “Ave verum corpus K. 618,” “Sine Nomine,” “Largo from Symphony No. 9 (The New World Symphony),” “How Lovely is Thy Dwelling Place from A German Requiem, abridged,” and “Lift Thine Eyes from Elijah.”

Reflections for Worship for 4-Hand Piano arr. Mark Hayes
Here are nine settings of popular new hymns and songs from Dan Schutte, Michael Joncas, Sebastian Temple, Marty Haugen and others. This collection is based upon liturgical songs from the mass that have transcended denominational lines and religious traditions. These beautiful and inspiring songs have made their way into Protestant circles and beyond, blessing countless congregations and parishes around the world. These tasteful settings for 4-hand piano from Mark Hayes give voice to the Psalmist’s words, “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!” Titles include: “Ave Maria,” “Be Not Afraid,” “Here I Am, Lord,” “Lord of the Dance,” “Make Me a Channel of Your Peace,” “On Eagle’s Wings,” “One Bread, One Body,” “Rain Down,” and “Shepherd Me, O God.”

Great Is Thy Faithfulness: A Four-Hand Collection of God’s Love and Care arr. Molly Ijames, Lloyd Larson & Larry Shackley
Three prominent piano arrangers – Molly Ijames, Lloyd Larson, and Larry Shackley – joined forces to create a hymn celebration of God’s loving care and unbreakable promises. This collection of four-hand duets provides programming flexibility, offering a variety of moods and tempos to fit your church and concert needs. Titles include: “Standing on the Promises,” “O God, Our Help in Ages Past,” “Blessed Assurance,” “It Is Well with My Soul,” “How Firm a Foundation,” and “Great Is Thy Faithfulness.”

Shop Stanton’s for all your sheet music needs!

About the Authors:
Caryn G. is a graduate of Trinity Lutheran College (Washington state). She has over 24 years of experience working at Stanton’s in both the Piano and Choral departments, specializing in sacred piano music. She is a church pianist/accompanist and has enjoyed being a piano teacher and singing in many choirs over the years. When not working at Stanton’s or at church, she loves spending time with family members and friends, traveling and exploring, watching movies, reading, bike riding and most recently trying to better her culinary knowledge and be a little more artsy by painting rocks and water coloring.

Christopher B. grew up in eastern Kentucky in a musically diverse family, and began playing organ at the age of 12. He majored in vocal performance with minors in keyboards and conducting at Marshall University and later received a Master of Theological Studies in congregational ministry from Trinity Lutheran Seminary. Christopher has served as a church music director and organist for more than 20 years, presently serving as Director of Music and Worship Arts/Organist at Church of the Master United Methodist in Westerville, OH.

So You Want to Be a Music Major? 22 July, 2024

So You Want to Be a Music Major: A Guide for High School Students, Their Parents, Guidance Counselors, and Music Teachers by Robert Franzblau
This book details the fundamental knowledge, skills, and attitudes that prospective music majors need in order to make a successful transition from high school to college. Specific exercises are offered, along with supporting online resources. It also suggests steps that parents, high school guidance counselors, and music teachers can take to identify, encourage, and guide future musicians and music educators.

Majoring in Music: All the Stuff You Need to Know by Rich Holly
Highlights the major components for survival and success during the formative years in a college, university or conservatory and provides examples and strategies to greatly assist the student musician. With no-nonsense advice and practical tips, this guide will prepare music students (and their parents!) to meet the many challenges, and take advantage of the opportunities afforded them during the glorious college years.

Shop Stanton’s for all your sheet music needs!

Indiana Jones: Piano Solo Collection 19 July, 2024

Indiana Jones: Piano Solo Collection
Get ready for adventurous travels on the keyboard with this great new collection of ten favorite themes from the Indiana Jones series of films. Each theme is transcribed for intermediate to advanced piano solo, and has been approved by John Williams!

Titles include works from Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark (“Raiders March,” “Marion’s Theme”) • Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (“Short Round’s Theme,” “Parade of the Slave Children”) • Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (“Scherzo for Motorcycle and Orchestra,” “The Keeper of the Grail”) • Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (“The Adentures of Mutt,” “Irina’s Theme”) • Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (“Helena’s Theme,” “Archimedes’ Tomb”).

Shop Stanton’s for all your sheet music needs!

40 ABBA Songs for REALLY EASY PIANO 15 July, 2024

Really Easy Piano: 40 ABBA Songs
40 of ABBA’s most popular hits in easy-to-play arrangements for piano, presented with background notes and performance tips for every song. These arrangements have been abridged and simplified for the beginner player, so structure and key signature may vary from the original recordings.

Titles include: Chiquitita • Dancing Queen • Don’t Shut Me Down • Honey, Honey • I Have a Dream • Mamma Mia • The Name of the Game • Our Last Summer • Super Trouper • Thank You for the Music • Voulez-Vous • Waterloo • and many more.

Shop Stanton’s for all your sheet music needs!

IN ONE MONTH: Lloyd Larson Church Music Reading Sessions 10 July, 2024

Saturday August 10, 2024
9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Church of the Messiah, 51 N. State Street, Westerville OH 43081
Presented by Lloyd Larson

Stanton’s is pleased to welcome back Lloyd Larson as our clinician for the August Sacred Choral Music reading session. Mr. Larson earned a B.A. from Anderson University of Anderson, Indiana in 1976 and a M.C.M. from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary of Louisville, Kentucky in 1979. He has done additional graduate work at Southern Baptist Seminary, The Ohio State University, and Northern Baptist Seminary, Chicago, Illinois.

Since 1982, Lloyd has been an active composer and arranger for several major publishing companies of church and school music. His compositions and arrangements include well over 1,500 published works—including choral anthems, numerous extended Christmas, Easter and non‑seasonal works, keyboard collections, vocal solo and duet collections, instrumental works for solo and ensembles, orchestrations, and handbell settings. The resulting notoriety has placed him in constant demand as a clinician throughout North America. It is Lloyd’s work in his local church that continues to be the catalyst for much of his writing where he is actively involved in various roles of music leadership.

Your registration for the clinic includes a packet of over 30 new choral anthems that are hand-picked from the hundreds published each year. Please note that there is no pre-registration for this session – all registration will take place on-site beginning at 8:30 a.m. We look forward to seeing you on August 10th for a wonderful morning of singing with one of the nation’s most sought after church music experts.

Contact the Choral Department for more information on the Sacred Choral reading session.

Saturday August 10, 2024
2:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m.
Stanton’s Sheet Music, 330 S. Fourth Street, Columbus OH 43215
Presented by Lloyd Larson

Join us at Stanton’s Sheet Music for an afternoon of listening to new selections of sacred piano music that will be enjoyable to play in church or at home. Our clinician this year is Lloyd Larson.

Contact the Keyboard Department for more information on the Sacred Piano reading session.