News & Views Thursday, May 02, 2024

Stanton's KMEA Convention Re-cap Tuesday, February 10, 2009

kmea-balloon-pictureThe Stanton's crew is back from our weekend at the KMEA conference in Louisville, Kentucky. The KMEA show has been one of our favorites for many years. Our staff has met so many of the wonderful music teachers and college students that attend the convention that it feels like our “second home.” It looked as if attendance might have been influenced by the ice storms that knocked out power in Kentucky the week before. Some area schools were closed for as long as two weeks, and many dedicated teachers needed to be in school once it re-opened rather than attend the convention. Fortunately, we still saw many familiar faces!

Stanton's booth was extremely busy, and customers seemed to be impressed by the wide variety of products we brought to the convention. We try to bring different products to the convention all of the time: everything from hand bell music to concert band, jazz, choral, elementary general music, orchestra, vocal solos, and instrumental solos and ensemble music.

kmea-booth-picture3Peter Boonshaft's session went fantastically, even though it was first thing on Thursday morning. Peter said that there were over 300 enthusiastic teachers and students in attendance at his session. Unfortunately Peter had to leave before the exhibit hall was open and was unable to do any book signings in our booth. The Stanton's staff made many friends and had a great time in Louisville—we're already looking forward to next year!

AND, oh yes, we WERE able to fly the Stanton's balloon over the booth at KMEA; in addition to the reputation of our staff and store, we've found that the balloon itself has a growing fan club. We invite you to come up and snap a picture of yourself with the balloon at out next convention!

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