News & Views Wednesday, February 26, 2025

It's Vacation Time! Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Summer is fast approaching and that means vacations for many of your students.  A good end of the year consideration is a collection of songs by Greg Gilpin titled “For Which It Stands.” This is a very well done collection of songs that describe some of our nation’s most outstanding landmarks.  From the Liberty Bell to the Golden Gate Bridge and everything in between.  Greg has managed to include the history of these landmarks and how and why they are what they are in a brief, optional narration that precedes each song. The one that stands out the most for me is “Mount Rushmore: The Original Rock Hall of Fame.”
As your students depart for their summertime activities, some may get the chance to tell their parents, “Hey, we sang about that in our music class at school!”  For futher information or if you have any questions please call us at 1-800-42-MUSIC or visit our website.

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