News & Views Saturday, March 15, 2025

Band Directors – Welcome Back! Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Now that everyone is back to school (and hopefully has a chance to catch a breath), the band staff at Stanton’s would like to welcome you back, and highlight some new music, events, and web-based tools that we’re excited about!

Junior High and Middle School band directors should have received our young band promotion featuring Stanton’s Staff Selections at grades 0.5 to 2.5.  If your copy isn’t handy, the complete list is available on our concert band webpage.  While you’re there, be sure to check out the Must-Hear Young Band tab – these pieces are too cool not to check out!  High School directors shouldn’t feel left out – our high school promotion featuring Stanton’s Staff Selections at grades 3-5 will be arriving in October (a.k.a. mid-marching season).

For directors who prefer to view ALL the new titles, complete publisher listings, recordings, and score images (where possible), are available by clicking on New Releases by Publisher on our concert band webpage, as well as in the concert band listening library.  More great programming ideas can be found by browsing the themed listening library categories, or by viewing Stanton’s Staff Selections for Beginning, Middle School, or High School band.

All band directors should mark your calendars for the annual Wind Band Invitational and New Music Reading Session at Capital University on November 16-17.  This is a perfect opportunity to hear the best new music performed by a live band, socialize and get new ideas from colleagues, and feature your best students in the honors and reading session bands.  Don’t forget to bring your instrument to participate in the Directors’ Reading Band, as well!

Lastly, be sure to take advantage of Stanton’s e-Tools!  The new Wish List feature at allows you to keep track of titles you like, and submit them as requisitions.  Our Listening Library is as popular as ever, and our Digital Delivery site can get Alfred and Hal Leonard replacement parts to you in a pinch.  Stanton’s blog features articles by our staff, while our new mobile website allows you to preview music and shop while on-the-go.  We’re really excited about our latest enhancement: Stanton’s Virtual Workshops featuring scores, audio, and listings of music featured at ALL Stanton’s sponsored reading sessions, workshops, and clinics!!  Don’t forget, at the heart of all this technology, we’re still old-school – give us a call; we’ll be happy to talk with you!

We hope these highlights give you some things to look forward to, and make your work easier, and wish you a successful school year!

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