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“Ten to Teach…” Monday, June 26, 2017

recommended by Jen Sper, School Choral and Classroom Music Specialist

lorenz-75_1007h-fThe “Ten to Teach…” series of resources from Heritage Music Press provide carefully crafted lessons from master educators including Artie Almeida, Donna Dirksing, Kate Kuper, and Mari Schay. Each volume includes lesson suggestions, audio recordings, PowerPoint presentations, reproducible music for students, and visual aids that you can print or project to suit your needs!

Ten to Teach MELODY
Each lesson targets a specific aspect of the element of melody, including: steps, skips, repeat; contour; high vs. low sounds; composing with sol and mi; identifying low sol; exploring and writing melodic inversions; and exploring sequences and motifs.

Ten to Teach HARMONY
These lessons provide your students with opportunities to identify and perform harmony in several ways: singing partner songs, playing barred percussion instruments, illustrating harmony with movement, and playing recorder descants, to name a few!

lorenz-75_1013h-fTen to Teach FORM
This collection of lessons will get your students out of their seats and engage them in music-making activities centered on the element of form and ranging from singing games to composing variations on their recorders and responding to form with parachutes. Concepts include: rondo, theme and variations, call and response, ABA, and D.C. al Coda.

Ten to Teach RHYTHM
These ten lessons comprise a versatile resource that explores rhythm in a variety of creative ways. Concepts include: rhythmic improvisation, quarter notes and rests, paired eighth notes, meter in 3, macrobeat/microbeat, half and dotted half notes, beat vs. rhythm, ostinato, and syncopation.

Find more resources for your music classroom on our website, or contact us for more information! Shop Stanton’s for all your sheet music needs!

About the Author:
Jen Sper has been with Stanton’s since 2006. A former middle school and high school choral director, she holds a Bachelor of Music Education degree from Baldwin Wallace College Conservatory of Music. An active choral singer and accompanist throughout the Central Ohio area, she also enjoys good food, running (to counteract the good food…) and the Muppets.

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