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Lent & Easter 2021: For Handbells Friday, February 19, 2021

recommended by Jennifer F., Handbell Music Specialist

All Glory, Laud and Honor arr. Barbara Kinyon, 2-3 octaves, Level 1
A fine setting of a fine hymn for the rising handbell choir. Moderate tempo and few dynamic changes all combine to make this a practical and useable number for any group for worship or concert. Perfect for Palm Sunday.

And He Never Said a Word arr. Michael Ryan, 2-3 octaves, Level 2
Set in D minor with only a few bell or chime changes (F sharp/C sharp), this interwoven tapestry of two reflective seasonal hymn tunes creates an emotional backdrop for meditation and prayer.

Bell Peal on ELLACOMBE arr. Linda R. Lamb, 2-3 octaves, Level 2
This light and elegantly simple arrangement of ELLACOMBE encourages your ringers and congregation to focus on the tune, allowing you to associate it with the text and scripture of your choice, be it for Palm Sunday, Easter, or general services.

Christ Is Risen! Alleluia! arr. Terry Osman, 2-3 octaves, Level 2
Beginning with an exciting fanfare, this small-choir setting of MORGENLIED is the perfect piece for any Sunday during the Easter season, especially Easter morning. Ringers will be able to learn this piece in only a few rehearsals, and your congregation will be awe-struck by the impressive and triumphant sound your choir creates.

Christ Is Risen, He Is Risen Indeed! arr. Linda Scholes, 2-3 octaves, Level 1
This new Easter setting is dynamic in energy and filled with joy. This level 1 setting is easy to learn and captures the joy of Easter morning.

Crown Him with Many Crowns arr. David Angerman, 2-3 octaves, Level 1
“Crown Him with Many Crowns” is a grand and joyous setting of the favorite hymn tune set for 2-3 octaves handbell or handchime choir. It is appropriate for general worship services or any other happy occasion.

How Hast Thou Offended? arr. Ron Mallory, 2-3 octaves, Level 1+
Ron Mallory has given us this wonderful arrangement incorporating two great tunes for Easter. Use of the LV technique will offer a great challenge for your level-one ensembles.

Jesus Shall Reign arr. Linda R. Lamb, 2-3 octaves, Level 1
This arrangement will keep your ringers engaged as they encounter multiple opportunities to improve their handbell proficiency. Martellato, martellato lift, echo, LV, and shake techniques all appear in this exciting setting devoid of bell changes or subdivisions of the beat.

Meditations on the Cross arr. Michael Helman, 2-3 octaves, Level 2
Three traditional Lenten hymn tunes are combined in this contemplative and expressive arrangement. Compatible arrangements make this selection an exceptional choice for festivals and other occasions when all of your church handbell ensembles can participate.

Our God Reigns arr. Sandra Eithun, 2 octave collection, Level 1-2
Varying in mood and ranging in difficulty from level 1 to 2, this collection of favorite hymns set for 12 bells and optional keyboard will become a go-to resource that your small or shorthanded ensemble can turn to time and again. Requiring short amounts of rehearsal and fewer ringers, this collection features arrangements within the F5-C7 range and in a variety of keys. The optional keyboard part offers a fullness to the settings when ringers are limited. Includes: “Morning Has Broken,” “Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley,” “That Easter Day With Joy Was Bright,” “Prelude On Kelvingrove,” “Breathe On Me Breath Of God,” and “Rejoice The Lord Is King.”

Ride On! arr. Michael Ryan, 2-3 octaves, Level 2
Set in a direct and uncluttered style, three instantly recognizable Palm Sunday tunes are united in a brilliantly conceived composition designed to set the stage for the drama played out during Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Scored in C major most of the way through, with but a few accidentals, the work ends with a brief modulation to F major.

Ring Out for Spring 2-3 octave collection, Level 1-1+
This collection offers approachable level-one music from some of today’s finest composers and arrangers. Meeting your needs for all aspects of the Easter and spring season, this book contains an eclectic mix of hymn-based pieces and original compositions. Includes: “Triumph and Praise” arr. Jason Krug, “The Savior’s Cross” arr. Jason Krug, “O Sacred Head, Now Wounded” arr. Sandra Eithun, “Christ Is Alive! Alleluia!” arr. Michael Helman, “Crown Him with Many Crowns” arr. Anna Laura Page, “Holy, Holy, Holy” arr. Michael Helman, “The Greatest of These Is Love” arr. Linda Lamb, and “Siyahumba” arr. Anna Laura Page.

This Joyful Eastertide arr. Terry Osman, 2-3 octaves, Level 2
This seventeenth-century Dutch folk song has become a standard hymn tune for Easter season celebrations. Your ringers will enjoy preparing and presenting this vibrant arrangement set for 2 or 3 octaves of handbells or handchimes.

Three Pieces for Lent and Easter arr. Karissa Dennis, 2-3 octaves, Level 1+
This set of arrangements provides two selections for Lent and Holy Week observances and one for Easter Sunday. In keeping with level-one guidelines, there is no subdivision of the beat and the few handbell changes are prepared. Ringers will enjoy developing a variety of techniques, including echoes, tower swings, and martellatos, and working on legato passages that use LVs. Includes: “Ah, Holy Jesus,” “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross,” and “Now the Green Blade Rises.”

Two Resurrection Hymns arr. Ron Mallory, 2-3 octaves, Level 2-
Spring is always a busy ringing season, and these flexible, straightforward arrangements will be perfect when your ensemble needs to learn something with limited rehearsal time during the Easter season. Includes: “Christ Is Risen, Hallelujah!” and “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today.”

Were You There? arr. Barbara Kinyon, 2-3 octaves, Level 1
Lovely and flowing setting of the familiar Lenten hymn, may be played with handbells or handchimes, allows beginning ringers to be aware of melody with relation to accompaniment, useful for beginning bell choirs during the Lenten season.

No matter what your in-person or remote worship requires, shop Stanton’s for all your sheet music needs!

About the Author:
Jennifer F. is a graduate of Otterbein College with a degree in Vocal Performance. She has worked at Stanton’s for over 15 years specializing in Sacred Choral, Classical Vocal and Handbell music. Jennifer is Director of Handbells at Worthington Presbyterian Church and sings in the First Church Choir at First Congregational Church in Columbus Ohio, and is also the founder, Artistic Director and bass bell ringer for Handbells Columbus.

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